Lets get talking and pick up some new words plus master that pronunciation
Feedback Reportあり*さらに自信を持って話したい方へ! 表現力を磨きます。日本で生活している方、仕事で日本語を使う方にもおすすめです。
2o minute is short but you can still practice your Japanese.
I have 17 years of experience in teaching Japanese Laguage to American people and also to Indian people. Now I am working as an English interpreter in Tokyo. So I can teach you Japanese language in perfect English. To really understand the complicated Jap
This is a class for students just starting with their Ukrainian studies.
初回限定の体験レッスンです!ヒロモリ先生の教学スタイルに興味持ちの方々、是非ご利用ください。 ★1回しか購入できませんので、ご注意ください。 ★間違って複数購入された場合、お断りさせていただきます。
The basic information about Polish language.
Would you like to take a 25-minute trip somewhere exotic? Tell me when you book our lesson where you want to go and we will explore that place together!
「日常生活や旅先で使えるネイティブの英会話」 お好きなトピックで楽しく英会話をしましょう。現地に住む先生として、ネイティブが使う表現や日常でよく使う会話などを用いながら、「生きた英会話」レッスンを行います。レッスンの終わりには、発音・単語・文法など弱点克服のための振り返りをします。
Let's have fun talking! Please talk about your hobbies, school, games, and anything else you want to talk about. My hobbies are fishing, riding my motobike, playing games, and drinking.
Let's check your French level and Let's figure out the lesson plan that suits your individual needs!
You want to better understand specific topics and to better express yourself about them ? Let me help you to become more confident in your skills!
An interactive game of questions, quizzes, flashcards, etc. running on Kahoot!
Continuity is the father of success! Practice makes perfect! 25 Min. every lessen.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Shin ina
Sae K
Greg R