Taiwanese, also known as Taigi, is a specific language of Taiwan. Do you want to learn Taiwanese? Or want to know more about Taiwanese?
Elementary to High School Math
Let's have fun!!
An extremely cost-effective pack! You can also exchange some lessons with others. The most important factor in improving your Japanese is continuous learning. Don't stagnate - just keep going forward!
마음껏일본어회화!초보,초급이라도 자유롭게!
自分の発音に自信がない人、話しても伝わらないことがよくあるという方。一度、基本に立ち返って発音トレーニングを受けてみませんか。まずは今できている発音とできていない発音を把握することから初めて、変なクセや、日本人っぽい発音を撲滅してやりましょう! 発音は基本、矯正は早ければ早いほどよいので、最近ハングルを覚えたばかりという初心者も大歓迎です。優しくご指導します。よい発音はあなたの韓国語を根本からブラッシュアップしますよ!
Do you want to chat a lot in Korean? Join me for a 20 minute chat in Korean! (No need to worry about grammar or pronunciation~) First timers, beginners and seniors are all welcome~♡ Let’s talk in Korean~!
文法マスター 単語マスター 知ってる文法や単語で自分で組み立てられるようにしましょう!! 私自身独学を経て韓国では通訳の技術を学びました。 発音の研究はもちろん、自身としても悩んできた文法(パッチムなど)の壁を一緒に乗り越えていきましょう!
Let's ease into English set at your child's needs!
Listen to, understand, and get used to the words and phrases used in the news! Good practice for JLPT Listening. Increase vocab to succeed to N2. You can train all four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
Let's have fun speaking Japanese. If you are a beginner, I can speak English.
Feel free to choose
I'll ask you random questions from a list of 250 quality conversational starters!
Recommended for those who want to focus on learning grammar.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Kanae tarot
Ana Cristina
Carlos Mejía
Lewis B
Colin コリン