Fumie Detox Based on Your Eye Colour!(日本語
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Detox Based on Your Eye Colour!(日本語

4,300 P
Are you interested in cleansing your body? Haven't done any detox programs? I can suggest you the best detox that is just for you!    ディトックスって聞いたことあるけどどうやってやったらいいかわからない?自分でやってみる自信がない?任せてください!!!あなたに合ったディトックス方法を教えます!


Iridology is a valuable iris analysis with which we can tell you the location of the tissue weakness, the depth or the seriousness of the condition in acute, subacute, chronic, or degenerative stage. 
No other diagnostic tool can determine the condition with such accuracy. However, we don't diagnose any diseases in iridology.

Iridology is a very profound tool if anyone interested in identifying the root cause of health problems. What Iridology can tell you include:
- The primary nutritional needs of the body
- The inherent weakness in organs, glands, and tissues
- The relative amount of toxic settlements in organs and tissues
- The condition of the colon (prolapses, ballooning, spastic, sluggish, etc)
- The Weakness/strength of the digestive system
- Nervous conditions (over-active, depleted, etc)
- Lymphatic congestion
- Acid-base balance
- Location of the inflammation
- more

The lesson is based on the iris pictures (right and left each) that students are required to send to me prior to the date of the lesson.

We will discuss your health concern, health goals, and lifestyle.

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