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Ich möchte Japanese lernen.





Ich möchte English lernen.

I'd like to learn British English. I live in Malta in Europe and I am trying to get used to their British English with strong accent. But I am having difficulty listening to them because I've learned American English in Japan.
I also started learning about the difference between American English and British English. Could anybody recommend me any lessons?
I am pre-intermediate or intermediate level in verbal communication. Please correct my mistakes as much as possible!

Ich möchte English lernen.

왕초보는 아니구요. 초급? 알아듣는 건 쉬운 말은 곧 잘 알아듣고욤.
쉬운말은 곧잘 대답하는데, 어휘가 약해요..
재무쪽 근무를 하는데 비지니스 영어를 하고 싶은데 어렵지 않을까해서요.
제 수준에 맞춰서 레슨을 듣고 싶은데 사용방법을 잘 모르겠어서 고를 수가 없네요 ㅠㅜ추천좀 부탁드릴게요..

Ich möchte English lernen.


Vorschläge: 3

Ich möchte Cantonese lernen.


Vorschläge: 1

Ich möchte English lernen.

I am looking for a wonderful IELTS writing coach.

Now I am struggling with IELTS writing section. I have taken IELTS 5 times and my writing scores are 5.0 or 5.5.

For that reason, I need the IELTS writing expert's help. I would like you to not only correct my essays but also teach good expressions and technics. However I do not have much time to study English, hand in my essays and take Skype lessons, so I prefer no Skype lesson.

Please reply if you are able to give no Skype lesson, but correcting my IELTS 1&2 essays with enormous useful tips.

Vorschläge: 5

Ich möchte French lernen.


Vorschläge: 4

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