
"Ob es wohl einen XYZ-Kurs gibt...?" "Ich würde gerne XYZ lernen!"
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Wunschkurse: 3,903

Ich möchte Chinese lernen.

Hello! I'm preparing for the New HSK 4 exam. I've found a vocabulary list with 1200 words their English counterparts and Mandarin sample sentences.
It is an extremely large project, but I was wondering if there are any Chinese teachers who would be willing to record the entire vocabulary list and send it to me?
I can send the list upon request. I would appreciate it if I could get an estimate as well.
I don't mind if you are from the Mainland or Taiwan, just as long as the recording is done with a standard accent and standard tones.
Thank you!

In Arbeit

Ich möchte lernen.


Ich möchte Computer Basics lernen.

mac airに「起動ディスクがいっぱいです」という表示が出ていて動作が遅くて困っています。誰か教えてください。

Vorschläge: 1

Ich möchte Small Business Consulting lernen.

Starting a Business in Japan.... Required licenses, permit, and assistance filling in the required documentation.

Vorschläge: 1

Ich möchte Chinese lernen.


Ich möchte English lernen.


Ich möchte English lernen.


Vorschläge: 1

Ich möchte English lernen.

I would take IELTS test on September.
I need to get 5.5 or 6.0 score.
And now I have overall 5.0.
And only reading part 4.5.
I would like to more faster skimming on passages.
Also I would like to improve my academic vocaburaly and colocation for writing.

Ich möchte Others (Business) lernen.

I would take SAT mathmatics test on October.
If someone can help please help my preparing for SAT.

Vorschläge: 1

Ich möchte French lernen.

Je voudrais des leçons de conversation en français niveau avancé une heure 1500 points.
Je n'ai pas besoin de leçons de grammaire, c'est la conversation qui m'intéresse.

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