Lesson Wishlist

"I wish I could take a lesson like…"
"I love to learn something like…"
 Why don't you write about a lesson you dream about? You might get a suggestion from the tutors♪

Let’s order a lesson you wish to take!
Ordered Lesson: 4,027

I want to learn English .

I only have 2 weeks to prepare for my toefl exam and i really need help figuring out what i need to work on. Im looking for someone who specializes in toefl exam prep and someone who can assess my english level. Thank you.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for solid study,Uses good material,Caters to your level

I want to learn Korean .

・薬や治療に関する単語や表現 など

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Good for solid study,Content rich,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

I want to learn English .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Content rich,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

I want to learn Lyric Writing / Composition / Music Production .


〇希望時間、価格 50~60分:~2500円(どちらか1つの場合)、~3000円(両方の場合)

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Professional attitude,Content rich,Good follow:up after the lesson,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic

About the student

Female,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals,Lessons should be fun!

I want to learn Culture .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Recommended for intermediate and above,Casual,Recommended for kids,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in Japanese

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggestions: 1

I want to learn Korean .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Good for solid study,Content rich,Gentle,Easy to talk to,Enthusiastic

About the student

Female,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals,I enjoy pressure,Short-term concentrated study is best

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

I want to learn English .


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Fun,Content rich,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level

About the student

Female,Nonbinary,Pronunciation is very important,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 06:00 ~ 12:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

Suggestions: 30

I want to learn French .

Je cherche des professeurs français.
Je voudrais améliorer ma compétence orale pour le DELF B1 ou Futsuken niveau 2.

Le cours doit inclure ci-dessous:
(1) 40-50 minutes /environ 2,000 yen
(2) Lundi - Dimanche 20:00- 23:00 (Zone JPN),
(3) Devoirs quotidiens
(4) FLE qualité

J'ai hâte d'entendre votre suggestion.

Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Professional attitude,Good for solid study,Good follow:up after the lesson,Courteous and thorough,Caters to your level

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekdays: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • Weekends: 18:00 ~ 24:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

I want to learn Drawing And Painting .



習得しながら進めたいので、例えばレッスンを3回に分けて 1.顔の表情、2.動きのある身体の書き方、3.簡単な背景(家・ビル・朝/昼/夜) と段階的に習いたいです。(内容や回数は変更可です。課題やレベルチェックなどして頂き相談させてください) 

イラストの経験は全くありません。どちらかというと下手だと思います。 紙とボールペンでも、iPadminiとApplePencilがあるのでデジタルも可です。複合機のスキャナがあります。あとスマホのアームがあるので書いてる所を映すことが出来るかなと思っています。


Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Casual,Uses good material,Content rich,Gentle,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in Japanese

Desired Lesson Time

  • Weekends: 12:00 ~ 18:00 (Asia/Tokyo)

I want to learn Voice .

4月の大学のテストに向けてコールユーブンゲンとコンコーネ 50番とイタリア古典歌曲集の中の1曲を歌えるようになりたいです。音大のテストではなく、教育学部のテストです。



Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor

Good for beginners,Fun,Content rich,Gentle,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Caters to your level

About the student

Female,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals

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