Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese |
I would like to find a Korean teacher, who can communicate in English. I'm a beginner and know very little but I am willing study.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Professional attitude,Fun,Casual,Good for solid study,Uses good material,Content rich,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level,Able to explain in English |
About the student |
Female,Nonbinary,Pronunciation is very important,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,I have clear goals,Lessons should be fun!,Being able to understand eachother is more important than precision,I like to have everything explained logically |
I'm interested in improving my Japanese speaking ability. I am JLPT N3 certified and am currently living in Japan. I'm not confident in my speaking abilities and I find it difficult to convey my thoughts. I've tried studying on my own but I think I need the structure and accountability that a tutor could provide.
I'd like to have a tutor give me structured lessons that involve specific grammar points and how to go about using that in daily life, do short presentations, reading news paper articles together and discussing it, basically anything that will improve my speaking ability. I would also have conversations on a wide range of topics . I also eventually would like take the N2 exam as well.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Professional attitude,Good for solid study,Uses good material,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Able to explain in Japanese,Able to explain in English |
Desired Lesson Time |
I would like to find a Japanese teacher, if you can speak Chinese or English that would be better.
I've learned Japanese for almost 2 years, but only 3 hours a week . And I don't have chance to speak Japanese. I really want to improve my conversation in short time.
I want to have conversation 30-50mins at least twice a week.
My level is N4, so I would like to find a female teacher who is good at teaching beginer.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Casual,Gentle,Easy to talk to,Caters to your level |
About the student |
Female,Nonbinary,Lessons should be fun!,I like to have everything explained logically |
Desired Lesson Time |
I'm interested in improving my Japanese writing and ability to construct sentences. I am JLPT N2 certified, have lived in Japan off and on, and can do alright in conversation. However, I would love to be able to express a wider variety of thoughts and talk and write about more complex subjects. I've tried keeping a diary in Japanese, but I think I need the structure and accountability that a tutor could provide.
I'd like to have a tutor give me structured writing prompts that I could write anywhere from a few sentences to several paragraphs about in Japanese, which could then be discussed, edited, and corrected with the tutor's help. I'd love a wide range of subjects, everything from simple stuff like, "What's the plot of your favorite movie?" to "What's a good memory you have from childhood?" to "What is your opinion on the current political situation in your country?" etc.
My hope is that by getting a lot of practice with constructing more complex sentences and ideas in written form, that may also help me be able to do so on the fly when I'm having a conversation.
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Recommended for intermediate and above,Fun,Casual,Good for solid study,Uses good material,Good follow:up after the lesson,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level,Able to explain in Japanese,Able to explain in English |
About the student |
Female,Nonbinary,I’m more of a perfectionist,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,Lessons should be fun!,I enjoy pressure,I like to study at my own pace,I like to have everything explained logically |
Desired Lesson Time |
また、アナログレコードの電子化をGarage band等で行いたいのですが、
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Professional attitude |
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Good for beginners,Fun,Good for solid study,Gentle,Good follow:up after the lesson,Easy to talk to,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Able to explain in Japanese |
About the student |
Primary Schooler,The tutor’s personality is an important factor,Lessons should be fun! |
Desired Lesson Time |
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Professional attitude,Fun,Casual,Courteous and thorough,Enthusiastic,Caters to your level |
Desired Lesson Time |
한국어하실수있는분께 일반 회화를 배우고싶습니다
Qualities you are looking for in your lesson/tutor |
Uses good material,Content rich,Good follow:up after the lesson,Caters to your level |