Josh C 講師からのお知らせ

New Lessons, Lower Prices, New Student Discount!


Hello everyone! I hope you are having a nice time. I wanted to tell you all about a few changes to my teaching that I made recently. First, I have added new lessons that are more structured. This includes one lesson called Everyday English for beginner-intermediate students as well as Discussion & Debate for intermediate-advanced students. I hope you will try the lessons!

Secondly, I have lowered the prices of many of my lessons. Due to the COVID-19 situation, I thought it would be best to offer better pricing for my lessons. Let's be productive during this difficult time!

Finally, I have created a 30% discount for new students that is valid until June 1. I hope this will encourage more students to try my lessons.

Thank you all and have a wonderful day!
Lesson: Everyday English (Beginner-Intermediate)
Price: 2000 Points
Length: 50
Trial Minutes: 25
Lesson: Discussion & Debate (Intermediate-Advanced)
Price: 2000 Points
Length: 50
Trial Minutes: 25
Coupon Name: New Students 30% Off!
(New Students Only)
Code: f711fec4
Discount Rate: 30%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Apr 23, 2020 ~ Jun 1, 2020
(GMT+07:00 Bangkok)