General Notices from Tutor Selina T.

50%OFF ANY LESSON - Let's Meet On My Birthday :)

May 10, 2020


前回の30%OFFクーポンを手に入れることができましたか?機会を逃してしまった方には、ご心配なく、さらにお得な50%OFFクーポンを発行しました! 全ての生徒さん対象!しかし、有効期限は1日のみで、私の誕生日です^^


Hello everyone!

Did you manage to grab the 30%OFF coupon during the last promotion? If yes, good for you :) If no, don't worry, here comes an even sweeter deal: 50%OFF ANY LESSON! But what's the catch? It's only VALID FOR 1 DAY ONLY, my birthday ^^

See you during lesson!

Coupon Name: Let's Meet On My Birthday :)
Code: 0268a1af
Discount Rate: 50%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: May 13, 2020 ~ May 13, 2020
(GMT+09:00 Tokyo)

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