Tutor Mercy 講師からのお知らせ

Price Change


Dear Students,
This is to inform you about the change in price for the lessons that I offer. There are new lessons on my page and the prices have been revised for some of  them because of the inflation in currency. However, there are coupons available that should make things easier for you. I hope this helps you as much. I'll see you in class!
Lesson: Debate (For Intermediate and above)
Price: 800 Points
Length: 20
Trial Minutes:
URL: https://cafetalk.com/lessons/detail/?id=560871
Coupon Name: 50% OFF
Code: bef12921
Discount Rate: 50%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Oct 14, 2022 ~ Nov 14, 2022
URL: https://cafetalk.com/coupons/detail/?id=4242096&lang=en
(GMT+05:30 Kolkata)
Column Name: New Lessons!!
Link: http://cafetalk.com/column/read/?id=257842
Created At: Oct 7, 2022 (GMT+05:30 Kolkata)