Mark Roy 講師からのお知らせ

My schedule for December / January


Hi all,

I just want to let you all know that as from 10th Dec until the 8th January 2014, I will be returning to England to visit family and friends. Although I will be in England during this time, I WILL be doing lessons on certain days. At the moment, I plan to do lessons from the 19th to 24th December, but as from 25th December, I will not be available until 8th January again. Having said this.... I plan to insert extra available time into my schedule if I have enough time to do so between other engagments in England so please check my availability regularly. If you would like a lesson confirmed between the 19th and 24th December then please check my schedule and as a general guide, I will be teaching on those days between 17.00pm and midnight Japan time. If you have something urgent that you need doing (for example, proofreading!) then please message me and I will do my best to try and fit a session in for you even if my schedule says I am unavailable. Thanks for all your lesson bookings so far this year and I hope to see most of you again in the near future.

Best wishes!
