Cafetalk Featured Tutor Interview
From language education specialists to entrepreneurs, former actors, painters and even Japanese tutors living abroad - read what this diverse bunch of professionals at Cafetalk have to say.
Jerry Tutor Interview
I think pronunciation is the most difficult part for Chinese. However, if we focus on pronunciation too much, it is easier to feel bored and give up. There is no doubt that pronunciation is important, but if we can choose some interesting materials such as songs to help us to learn Chinese. It will be easier. -
催眠療法士の資格を持ち、オンラインで浄化ヒーリングや前世療法のレッスンを行うHealing Counselor Setsのインタビューページです。英会話のレッスンも提供しており、レッスン内容や講師になったきっかけなどをご紹介!Featured Lessons
50 Min. 2,000
40 Min. 1,700
25 Min. 1,100
言語を学ぶのに、残念ながら「聞き流すだけで英語が話せるようになる」というような魔法はあまり期待できません。聞き流すのではなく、しっかりと聞く練習をすること。聞く練習と同じだけ、英語を口に出す練習もすること。そして、意識的にどんどんボキャブラリーを増やして行くこと。そして、コミュニケーションの練習、自分の苦手分野の練習、発音の強化やプレゼンの練習など、目的に応じて私たち講師を利用するようにしてください。なるべく毎日英語にふれる時間を取るようにして、英語に慣れ親しんで行ってください。英語の映画を見たり、好きな雑誌を読んだり、You tubeを見たり、ウェブショッピングをしてみたり。「勉強」するのではなく、「日常に英語を取り込む」ようにして、英語を楽しんでください!英語が使えるようになれば、驚くほど世界も広がるし、楽しいことがたくさんあります。ぜひ皆さんが英語を学ぶお手伝いができればうれしいです。Featured Lessons
0 Min. 1,000
0 Min. 1,000
0 Min. 1,500
Nathaniel Tutor Interview
My flexibility and understanding of the need to focus on student needs and goals is the biggest feature of my lesson. There is no benefit to the student if I overlook his or her purpose for studying the language.Featured Lessons
30 Min. 2,000
30 Min. 2,500
30 Min. 2,500
こんにちは、私はことみと申します。(現在の国籍の意味で)日本人ではないけれどもことみと名乗るので、ニックネームだと思われるかもしれませんが、これは本名です。中国語の名前をそのまま日本語読みにしたものです。Featured Lessons
30 Min. 1,400
60 Min. 2,700
60 Min. 2,700
Sakura Tutor Interview
Hello everyone! My name is Sakura. I was born in Brazil and moved to Japan when I was in elementary school. I originally spoke Portuguese, and learned Japanese when my family moved to Japan, and then learned English at University in Canada. I believe my background helps me to understand how my students feel when learning English, and the difficulties they may feel. In my free time I usually play the ocarina and play with my dog, Apollo. I also love gardening and I’m interested in sustainable lifestyle.Featured Lessons
50 Min. 2,500
30 Min. 1,500
50 Min. 2,500
カフェトークの講師インタビュー番外編。オフィシャルカウンセラーが行う無料カウンセリングについて知れるインタビューです!Featured Lessons
0 Min. 500
30 Min. 0
30 Min. 0
Clare Tutor Interview
I like to send written feedback because it reminds students of what they learned in the lesson, lets them know what they did well, and gives them advice on how to improve. I like to cover things like: new vocabulary and idioms with examples of how they are used, mistakes and how to correct them, study tips, and answers to any questions that the student asked during the class.Featured Lessons
50 Min. 1,800
50 Min. 2,000
50 Min. 2,000
Howard Tutor Interview
I am an avid fan of basketball. I play hours after hours before my body gives out (usually after five hours). I also enjoy ice skating. I am just learning how to skate backward! I like watching movies as well. My favorite movies are Parent Trap (original), Forest Gump, Shutter Island, Good Will Hunting, I Am Legend, Wedding Crashers, Meet the Parents, and many more.Featured Lessons
60 Min. 1,500
30 Min. 800
60 Min. 1,500
Alvin Tutor Interview
In my lessons, I want to build up my student’s confidence and their openness. Many Japanese students are quite shy, but they are very intelligent, and I want their voices to be part of the great global conversation! For example, the country of my parents, Jamaica, has made a big impact on world culture, even though we are only a few million. BUT, Jamaicans are an outgoing and outspoken people – and we speak English! Japanese is a beautiful and graceful language, but only the Japanese speak it. When more Japanese speak English and speak from their heart, the world will listen, and become a better place for it! So, in my lessons, speak from the heart.Featured Lessons
25 Min. 1,200
25 Min. 1,000
50 Min. 2,200