
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
Englisch Daily conversation


420+Hrs Course Completed in Advanced Skills of Teaching Japanese
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Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
==パリ五輪・日本代表の河村勇輝選手がNBAプレシーズンデビュー ====グリズリーズの一員としてマーベリックスとのオープン戦で   ====途中出場。9分16秒という短い時間で5得点3アシストを記...
Published 1 Jun, 2024 | View: 830
こんにちは!奈良推しのyuka です??私のコラムでは、ひたすら奈良を推し続けようと考えています。さて、大阪生まれ大阪育ちのおばちゃんが奈良のおばちゃんになって早いものでウン十年!!楽しく派手な大...
Published 16 Feb, 2024 | View: 1242
久しぶりの投稿です。日本語講師のyukaです。今日は皆さんの大好きな "いちごのこと"についてお話しします。いちごの旬(しゅん)は1月から2月でこの時季(じき)の夜の寒さと、昼の太陽(たいよう)が沢...
Published 7 Dec, 2023 | View: 1310
Published 13 Apr, 2023 | View: 1960

yuka.t.33 Tutorenprofil

Hello I'm Yuka. I live in Nara,Japan.
The first capital was located in Nara. So there are many historic buildings, important cultural properties and national treasures there.

TODAIJI TEMPLE is a World Heritage site, and is listed as one of the historic monument of Ancient Nara. A traditional Japanese food called 'WA-SHOKU' added Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

'WA' means relax, soften,harmony. So let's enjoy studying Japanese with a heart of harmony.

about my lessons:
1. Japanese culture Ⅱ - SUSHI -
 Let's talk about SUSHI and increase your vocabulary.

2. Japanese culture  - Let's talk about SAKURA ー
 Let's talk about SAKURA using a short story and increase  your vocabulary.

3. Let's speak Japanese! ー Free Talk ー
  Any topic will be fine. Japanese culture. Travel Japanese...

4. Let's speak Japanese like a native.
 The proper use of particles,adjectives,conjunctions is important.I'll fix your unnatural expression so that it sounds more natural.

5. Elementary Japanese Ⅰ,Ⅱ.
 Let's practice the sentence patterns using a lot of everyday situations.

6.Intermediate Japanese Ⅰ
 Let's practice the grammar using a lot of everyday situations.

7. JLPT (N5~N2) Preparation
  Let's start your lesson with an easy material and move on to a 
difficult one. And work on a lot  of questions.

In my experience of studying English, I think its difficult to speak foreign language naturally llike a native.
I really hope my lesson will help you speaking Japanese like a native.

Waiting for your request.

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