Excellent tutor for learning Italian, even for learning out of the classroom because she has some learning social media accounts. Pretty good approach and conversation.
JLPT N1 시험이 얼마 남지 않았는데 독해가 어려워서 선생님의 독해 특강을 신청했습니다
국어(日本語) 교육의 전문가 답게 독해에 도움이 되는 놀라운 기술들을 알려주십니다
혹시 아직도 단어 외우기 만으로 독해준비를 하고 있다면, 아무리 해도 독해 속도가 늘지 않아 고민이라면 RIZA선생님의 독해 특강을 꼭 들어보길 권합니다
Hello my name is Juneatt and welcome to my profile . I come from a very beautiful country called Lesotho, in the southern part of Africa, it is known as the mountainous and the highest country above sea level. I love reading, cooking, traveling and learning new languages.Are you looking for a fun, friendly and bubbly English teacher? I am here to help you learn English in a fun and relaxed manner
こんにちは。Akikoです!わたしは、日本(にほん)の文化(ぶんか)や伝統(でんとう)がだいすきです。日本(にほん)や日本語(にほんご)に興味(きょうみ)をもっているなら、一緒(いっしょ)に勉強(べんきょう)してみませんか??Hi, I am Akiko. I live in Japan. I am 31 years old, have 2 kids. I love to watch movies, drinking coffee and tea :D I have lived in China for a year and studied Chinese there, so I can talk it a bit :) I have also lived in Singapore for 6 months.When I was a university student, I often
Hi, my name is Hazuki. I'm a single mother. I used to work as a career consultant at a public employment security office and City Hall, giving advice on employment and daily life. I work with a wide range of people, young and old. I also helped people with mental disabilities and social withdrawn people. I mainly focus on supporting women. I have worked with mothers and their children
Mariya san です♪ こんにちは!Hello, I'm Mariya! みなさんと お話できることが ほんっっとうに、たのしみです!!! I'm so excited to be able to chat with all of you! ? ============================ \Carefree Japanese / あなたの悩みは? What's your concern? ●すきな時間に日常会話(にちじょうかいわ)の練習がしたいI want to practice daily conversation with Japanese people at my convenient time. ●いつも同(おな)じ時間に会話の練習がしたい I want to have conversation practice on the same schedule. ●子
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →
Ayumi H
Jess JB
Lan J.
Professeur Nico