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Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →

Ami先生のヨガレッスンはいつも心地よい雰囲気で受けることができて、日常の忙しさやストレスを忘れることができる気がします。 お声がけも優しいです!
Taku Sensei's N3 lessons are well prepared and I think about the lesson long after it has finished. The lesson feedback is great and Taku Sensei is professional and fun. His voice is very clear and lessons are very well organised. Taku Sensei uses screen sharing and I am always confident of the content I am working on. I would recommend these N3 lessons to anyone who is considering the JLPT exam and also for those who need Japanese for daily conversation.
她有丰富的日语知识。课程中遇到我不知道的词语的时候,她马上把我想说的事情译成中文。跟他聊天 很开心。总是非常感谢。
You can have nice talk with him and get the kind feedback. Highly recommended.
ユン先生のお人柄が良く、明るい雰囲気の中、リラックスしてレッスンを受けることができています。ユン先生ご自身が話すことや教えることがお好きなのが伝わってくる(私はそう感じております!笑)ため、生徒側としても前向きにレッスンに参加しようという気持ちになります。 私は個人的に語学は続けることが大切だと思っているので、またレッスンを受けたいと思えるような時間を提供して下さることにとても感謝しております。 今後もユン先生のレッスンに助けて頂きながら韓国語の勉強を頑張りたいと思います。
先生はとても明るく話しやすいのでレッスンはとても楽しかったです。 レッスン内容は、イディオムとなぞなぞ両方してもらいました。 時間が50分でしたがあっという間でした。 レッスン後にイメージ画と問題と答えなども送ってもらえてので復習がしやすかったです。 会話上手で、教材などもしっかり準備してあり、内容が濃いレッスンでした。 ありがとうございました。
本当にNamiさんのレッスンは、今まで受けた日本語レッスンの中で一番だと思います。セルフモニタリングのレッスンやコラムのレッスン、またはフリートークのレッスンなど、どんなレッスンでも素晴らしい内容と良い雰囲気の環境を作ってくれて、毎回とても勉強になり、楽しかったです。 いつもニコニコして親切に、そして熱心に教えてくれたNamiさんは、授業に対する熱意も素晴らしく、私の会話に対する集中力もすごく高い、本当に素晴らしい先生だと思います。どんな小さな間違いも見逃さないところも、本当にありがたいです。 いつもNamiさんに感謝しています。Namiさんに出会えて、本当に心から良かったと思っています。
トレーニングなので、今の自分の力を試すつもりで受けましが 自分が良くわかっていないところを確認することができて本当に ためになりました。学習書にには載ってないけどよく使う表現 なども教えてくれて、本当にお得な授業だと思います。 身につきやすいように、わかりやすく面白い例文を用意してくれる 先生の気遣いにも感謝です。
Results: 2,433 Tutors
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YASU . Mimage
- Ja


Hello, my name is Minami. I am a certified Japanese language teacher. Whether you are a beginner or aiming to pass the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, I will provide lessons according to your level. Students will study using textbooks to improve their language skills. I set my lesson costs at a very low price. Please do not hesitate to take a lesson. I have been to 30 countries around the worl
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Do 20:30 - 22:30
Sa 17:00 - 18:30
Sa 21:30 - 23:00
So 06:00 - 08:30
So 17:00 - 18:30
So 20:30 - 22:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Arthur Heffelfingerimage
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


Galileo Galilei (1564 - 1642) said it best 500 years ago: "You cannot teach a man anything, You can only help him find it within himself." Together, let's discover the hidden language talents within YOU!!                Whether you are seeking admission to an English-speaking university, need English in your professional life,
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 03:00 - 13:00
Mo 22:00 Di 02:00
Di 03:00 - 13:00
Di 22:00 Mi 02:00
Mi 03:00 - 13:00
Mi 22:00 Do 02:00
Do 03:00 - 13:00
Do 22:00 Fr 02:00
Fr 03:00 - 13:00
Fr 22:00 Sa 02:00
Sa 03:00 - 13:00
Sa 22:00 So 02:00
So 03:00 - 13:00
So 22:00 Mo 02:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
- Ja


Let's get rid of that boring, dreadful school life! Let's make those boring and annoying classes our favorite! One step up from what you were yesterday! I'll teach you until you understand!! Hello! I became an elementary school teacher because I love children. For the past 27 years, I have been a teacher at a public elementary school.I have taught a total of about 1,000 children.In addition, I wor
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 20:00 - 23:00
Di 20:00 - 23:00
Mi 20:00 - 23:00
Do 20:00 - 23:00
Fr 20:00 - 23:00
Sa 08:00 - 23:00
So 08:00 - 23:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
- Ja


Hello, my name is Shizuna, and I’m from Taiwan.   ✔ Native of Taiwan.   ✔ Has now been living in Japan for 5 years.   ✔ Passed N2 level of JLPT.   ✔ Passed level 2 of the Official Business Skill Test in Book-keeping   ✔ Experienced in online Chinese language lessons   My Lessons: I understand how difficult it is for non-native speakers to learn a language! Therefore, in my lessons, I do my best to
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 19:30 Di 00:00
Di 19:30 Mi 00:00
Mi 19:30 Do 00:00
Do 19:30 Fr 00:00
Fr 19:30 Sa 01:00
Sa 10:00 So 01:00
So 10:00 Mo 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


I am 38 years old, from France, but I have been living in 7 other countries for the last 18 years. I have experience teaching French and English, using, French, English, Mandarin and a little bit Japanese language, especially for students who want to practice conversation and pronunciation.I always pay attention to the actual goals of the student, and make sure that my lessons are focused on achie
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 07:00 - 08:30
Mo 18:00 Di 00:00
Di 07:00 - 08:30
Di 18:00 - 19:00
Di 20:00 Mi 00:00
Mi 07:00 - 08:30
Mi 18:00 Do 00:00
Do 07:00 - 08:30
Do 18:00 - 20:00
Do 21:00 Fr 00:00
Fr 07:00 - 08:30
Fr 18:00 Sa 00:00
Sa 08:00 - 08:30
Sa 10:30 So 00:00
So 08:00 - 08:30
So 09:30 - 12:00
So 17:00 Mo 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Mayuko. Saimage
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


Completed 700 lessons on Cafetalk!! Thank you all of you who chose my lessons!! I will keep moving on!!! Hello! My name is Mayuko Sagawa. I live in Italy now. More than 7 years I teach Japanese at the Cultural Studies Center and the Library. I also give private lessons. I also organise one day experience of Japanese culture such as origami, calligraphy, kimono dressing at the city center. I visit
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 16:30 - 18:30
Mo 20:00 - 22:00
Di 04:00 - 05:00
Di 16:30 Mi 00:00
Mi 16:30 - 19:00
Mi 21:00 - 22:00
Do 16:30 - 18:30
Fr 16:30 - 18:30
Sa 01:00 - 02:00
So 02:00 - 04:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Victor Trejoimage
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


Hello, everyone! I have a natural passion for languages, so I will be happy to assist you learning English or Spanish (or CAD). I have worked as a teacher for the last 4 years, with students of all ages. Language learning has always been fascinating for me and I hope to transmit you that outlook. Are you willing to learn a language? Great! You've achieved a lot. Now I will do my best to keep you
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Sa 17:00 - 18:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


こんにちは、氣功師の有岐です   エンパワLabo、エンパワー(empower)とは、自己の中にもともと備わっている力を引き出す事です。 「自灯明=自分の中の光を頼りに生きる事。他者や物に依存せず、自分の智慧や経験を道しるべに進むという生き方」   私が主宰しているエンパワラボとは、自分の中にこそ【内なる拠り所】が存在する事を知り、自分の中に眠る力や智慧の明かりを、人生の実践(ラボ)で引き出しながら、あなたの人生を自分の意志で、自分らしく道を照らして進む・・・そんな想いからつけた名前です 今のあなたの心はどんな状態ですか?  思考、感情の渦に巻き込まれて心が疲弊していませんか?  仕事や家族、人間関係で自分は正しい事をしているはずなのに  なぜうまくいかないのでしょうか?   実は、その原因は外側にないのをご存じですか?        「炎」を手で掴むことができますか?もちろん無理です 
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 14:00 - 22:00
Mi 16:00 - 22:00
Do 14:00 - 16:00
Fr 10:00 - 13:00
Fr 18:00 - 22:00
Sa 17:00 - 18:30
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
A. Joyimage
Tutor ribbon image
- Ja


Nice to meet you!  My name is A.Joy.  Call me Joy!  I am a violin player in Korea. I have learned to play the violin since I was young.  and majored in Musical education and Violin.       May be the first time that learn korean from a musician.   But I think, The greatest advantage for a musician is patience. I can appreciate your efforts. I can wait until you do well.     Because I like reading,
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 00:00 - 03:30
Mo 14:00 - 17:30
Mo 22:00 Di 01:30
Di 22:00 Mi 01:30
Mi 09:30 - 12:00
Mi 22:00 Do 02:00
Do 09:30 - 11:30
Do 22:30 Fr 02:00
Fr 09:00 - 11:00
Fr 19:00 Sa 00:30
Sa 22:00 So 01:00
So 17:00 Mo 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
fumi fumiimage
- Ja


Nice to meet you! My name is Fumi (富美). After graduating from university, I worked as an international flight attendant for a Japanese airline until I got married. I married my Taiwanese husband, and I currently live in Taipei with my spouse and two children. Now that I have settled down with raising my children, I have been happily teaching Japanese to Taiwanese students for a year now. My stude
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Mögliche Kurszeiten  

Mo 23:00 Di 00:00
Di 23:00 Mi 00:00
Mi 23:00 Do 00:00
Do 23:00 Fr 00:00
Fr 23:00 Sa 00:00
Sa 23:00 So 00:00
So 23:00 Mo 00:00
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
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