最新更新時間: 9 月 13 日 (每隔週五更新)

category image 鋼琴 評價排行


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Four months since my Cafetalk debut. I've been teaching music for 38 years. I'd like to thank everyone I've met. If you want to play a song you've al

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大家好,我是鋼琴講師Karin(果林)♪ 我從5歲開始學鋼琴。音樂高中(兵庫縣立西宮高中音樂科) → 音樂大學 (東京藝術大學音樂系 樂器科 專攻鋼琴) → 留學(波蘭國立卡羅爾·史曼諾夫斯基音樂大學 (卡托維兹音樂學院) 碩士),我的人生總是有鋼琴相伴,我就是如此喜歡音樂和鋼琴♪在大學畢業時也考

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"Lounge pianist lessons for everyone who wants to play the piano beautifully."   I am Yoko.A, a lounge pianist.I am a pianist for restaurants, h

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Hello! I'm Mieno Nao. :)After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts, I moved on to the master's course at the graduate school of the same univ

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Nice to meet you♪ Thank you for visiting my profile. My name is yurino and I’m an online piano teacher. Music should be fun♪  Let’s spend some produc

category image 鋼琴 重複聽課排行榜


來自: 住在:

Four months since my Cafetalk debut. I've been teaching music for 38 years. I'd like to thank everyone I've met. If you want to play a song you've al

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Nice to meet you! I am Hidesumi.T, pianist and piano instructor.I was born in 1997, in Sapporo, Hokkaido prefecture.I graduated from the Piano Perform

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Nice to meet you, I’m piano niconico.Thank you for taking a look at my profile.I aim to use my experience as a piano teacher to get students to love

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Thank you for visiting my profile. I started offering online piano lessons in hopes of sharing the joy and pleasure of playing the piano with as many

category image 鋼琴 人氣講師排行


來自: 住在:

Four months since my Cafetalk debut. I've been teaching music for 38 years. I'd like to thank everyone I've met. If you want to play a song you've al

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  ✲ 楽しくピアノを弾いてみませんか?   一緒に音楽の世界を楽しみましょう✲   はじめまして!ピアノ講師 ひかり(hikari) です。 世の中にはたくさんの音楽が溢れています。初心者の方はもちろん、ブランクのある方も趣味の方も大歓迎。 【プロフィール】

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Hello! I'm Mieno Nao. :)After graduating from Tokyo University of the Arts, I moved on to the master's course at the graduate school of the same univ

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Thank you for visiting my page!   I work as a composer who provides over 100 tracks a year for artists, theater performances, and commercials. In

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まずは無料で体験レッスン!気軽にピアノを始めてみませんか?   こんにちは!ピアノ講師のカナミです。     私は普段、自宅での個人レッスン、公共の施設でピアノサークルなどを開き、生徒さんに教えながら、ピアニストとして毎月演奏活動を行っています。   習われている生徒さんは、4歳~85歳と幅広くレ

