Now's the time to learn Italian!

Do you long for the people who enjoy speaking or eating in Italian bar? Italian people attach a great deal of importance to communication, so if you can speak only few words, they will welcome you! They know how to taste for life and they are lavish with enjoy truly. If you understand Italian, you may know them!

Let's start to learn Italian on online!


Learn the useful phrase in daily conversation and travel!

You will be able to enjoy your trip with some basic Italian phrase before you visit.

Search for travelers

Brush your pronunciation and listening skills up.

If you get some pronounce rules, you can learn easily.

Search for improving pronunciation

Improve grammer and get more vocabulally

Do you want to escape from beginner or to study abroad to Italy? There are lessons for higher level.

Search for middle ~ higher level

Tutor interview

Why Cafetalk makes sense.

Even if you are absolute beginner, Cafetalk will support you with free counseling
so you can start with no worries!

  • One on one lessons All lessons are private so you can customize the lesson to fit your needs.
  • Always get access to free counseling to help you with your studies. We'll support you 100% so you can concentrate on learning. → Free counseling
  • Anytime, anywhere! You can learn from anywhere, anytime making it perfect for the busy student

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Learn Italian Online

Online Italiano Italiano

Let's just talk in italian

Hello guys, こんにちは, Ciao!This is a lesson to improve your italian language on a daily basis.Just imagine that you live in a place where they spea...

30 Mins / 500 Pts

Valeria Pizzorno


Online Italiano Italiano


● イタリア語をゼロから始めたい ● すでに勉強をしているが、なかなか⾝に付かない ● 基本文法をしっかり身に着けたい ● 勉強が苦手でもわかりやすく楽しく学びたい ● コミュニケーション⼒を⾼めたい● 旅行や出張のため、最低限のイタリア語を身に着けたい   目的やレベルに合わせて、個別にカスタマ...

35 Mins / 1,800 Pts



Online Italiano Italiano

○Ciao!または Buongiorno! から始める初級イタリア語

あいさつ、自己紹介、数字の数え方、旅行での会話など日常会話を楽しく学ぶレッスンです。必要な方には日本語での説明も可能です。 初めてイタリア語を学ぶ方、イタリアに旅行したいと考えている方、とにかくイタリア語を話してみたい方に最適です! イタリア語の聞き取り、文字の読み書きと少しなじんでから、旅行...

40 Mins / 1,300 Pts



Online Italiano Italiano



50 Mins / 2,000 Pts



Online Italiano Italiano


Il primo passo - 最初の1歩 初心者向きレッスンです。 日常で様々なイタリア語が飛び交っている中、一体これはどういう意味なんだろう、イタリア語ってどんな言葉なんだろうと疑問を持った事があるのではないでしょうか?そんな些細なきっかけから興味を持っていただき、少しでもイタリアの文...

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Online Italiano Italiano

イタリア語 40分コース

テキストは、毎回こちらから送信いたします。読解に徹底したい方とは、ご相談の上読み物を決定します。  どんな内容のものでも、イタリア生活の日常から、いろんな場面をピックアップし、レッスンに生かせるようにしています。文法もきっちり押さえながら、イタリアの雰囲気を楽しめるレッスンを! 尚、どのレベルの方...

40 Mins / 1,600 Pts



Online Italiano Italiano

Let's talk italiano or “Chat ti amo”

Do you want to improve your conversation skills in Italian? The answer is simple: just talk. So we speak in Italian on any topic: - music - fashion...

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Seba Sensei


Online Italiano Italiano

Italian for beginners

The Italian course for beginners is designed for those who want to learn the basics of the Italian language. During the course, you will learn the ba...

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Online Italiano Italiano

Chiacchieriamo! Italian Free Conversation

Sei andato/a da qualche parte ultimamente? Cosa ne pensi del nuovo film di Roberto Benigni? Hai visto la mia ultima Storia su Instagram? C'è qualcosa...

50 Mins / 2,500 Pts



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