Apply Now To Be 1 Of Our 10 Song Students!
Selected students will be eligible to take 2 online song lessons free of charge.
As a bonus, we're giving away an additional lesson if you post public feedback after your first lessons!☆
Lesson scenes
Song lessons feedback
First of all, this lesson's good for beginners who want to build up singing skills from the bottom up. From the start, she teaches how to release body because it's the very most important point. And then she teaches how to stand up to make vocal sounds. We practice the song 'TONARINO TOTORO' which is easy for beginner like me. We could only sing 3-4 sentences in lyrics, however I felt like I learned a lot to sing in tune. Overall, it's a refreshing , exciting yet, very helpful lesson.
Aya sensei is a very kind and patient person. I have had no vocal training for many years. I'm always nervous about getting my voice ready to sing properly again. I felt very comfortable during the lesson and enjoyed the time. Aya 先生 、 ありがとうございます^^
Online Song Tutors
Application Period: September 9th (THU) - September 15th (WED)
Category :
Song lesson
- Students who are interested in song but haven't taken a lesson before
- Students who have taken a lesson before but were hesitant about continuing
- Other
Gesucht: Maximal 10 Schüler
- Erhalte einen weiteren kostenlosen Kurs für öffentliches Feedback, nachdem Du deinen ersten Kurs abgeschlossen hast.
Wir freuen uns, wenn Du Deine Erfahrung auch auf Deinen Social Media-Accounts teilst. Dies ist jedoch keine Kondition.
Regarding lesson tester tickets:
please note that lesson tester tickets can't be used for tutors you have already taken lessons with in the past.
Kostenlos als Kurstester bewerben
Bitte fülle das untenstehende Formular komplett aus, um Dich anzumelden.
- Stadt / Herkunftsregion
- Geburtsdatum
- Bewerbungstext
*Bitte beachte: Falls keine geeigneten Kandidaten gefunden werden, verfallen die unbesetzten Testerplätze.
*Please note that only applicants selected as lesson testers will be contacted by September 18.
To find out more about Cafetalk see here. here
Buche eine kostenlose Beratung (auf Englisch) wenn Du Hilfe bei der Auswahl der Tutoren oder Kurse benötigst oder Fragen hast.
前からずっとsinging classにいきたいけど、今まで恥ずかしかったから一回も行ったことがない。
Thank you for your patience in explaining to me despite my poor Japanese skills!