We need to talk about suicide-Yellow September(Setembro Amarelo)
Held by the Brazilian Association of Psychiatry (ABP) to mark the World Suicide Prevention Day on...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
´´Brazilians need to be studied by NASA´´
Hi ! How are you guys? If you search for ¨Brasileiros precisam ser estudados pela NASA¨...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
Can you nailed it ? Portuguese Tongue-twister!
Olá!Quero desafiá-lo a fazer esses trava-línguas! 1. O rato roeu a roupa ...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
Why Learn Portuguese? 6 Reasons to start!
1. A large number of people speak Portuguese. Portuguese is very widely spoken, so it is not some ...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
ボディータッチが頻繁 ブラジルでは日本と比べて人との距離がとても近い国です。親しい家族や友人なら頬に1、2回キスをしてハグをするほど。それほど親しくなくても頻繁にボディータッチをするので、慣れ...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
Did you know that there are many similar words in Portuguese and English? There are some examples...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi
Vamos aprender português! まずは挨拶から!
・Bom dia.(ボンヂーア)=おはよう(午前中) ・Boa tarde.(ボアタルヂ)=こんにちは(お昼過ぎ~) ・Boa noite.(ボアノイチ)=こんばんは(大体1...
Juliana Arissa Iwagoshi