Ace your job or university interview!! Part 27

Mark Roy

Hi, over the next few weeks I will be publishing regular advice on how to ace your job / university / MBA, or PhD interview. If you would like to book a lesson with me, I will provide you with a 28 page document that I have written with some sample questions and advice on how to answer them. In these articles that I am publishing, you will find a group of questions and the appropriate advice on how to answer them, and in some cases you will even find some sample answers. During a lesson, I will go through the questions with you, let you answer as if you were in an interview environment and then I will check, and if necessary, correct the content of your answer. I hope you find the following information useful and I really look forward to seeing you online if you choose a class with me! I am also offering a 20% discount for any new students for ANY of my lessons. 

Lesson link:



·          What are the most significant things you hope to gain from the course and your time in our school?


Look to the future when answering this question and say what you hope to achieve once you graduate, whether that be furthering your study or applying for a job in a prestigious company. Be confident in explaining your future aspirations and goals, and make these factors as relevant as you can to the course you are applying for. The final qualification is not always what a student can gain from a course, so think of qualities that you hope to gain, for example, team working and communication skills, technical ability, making new contacts, publishing journal articles from your research etc…


·          Why this course? Why not XXX course?


Try to explain why you chose this exact course and not another closely related course. Be explicit in describing what you want your future to look like and explain why this course will help you achieve your dreams.


·          What do you think your undergraduate courses will do for your future studies? What kind of preparation you are going to do for this programme?


Think about how this course will prepare you for any further studies you plan to undertake. Explain how your previous studies will underpin your future ability to perform on this study program and be sure to mention any achievements made in your student life, such as journal publications etc….


·          What is your occupational planning? How would you benefit from our program? What about your career goals and future aspirations?


The key to answering this question is contained in the answer to the previous five questions.


·          What do you think you can contribute to this program?


Think of your personal qualities and traits that would be desirable for this study program. Personal traits such as being friendly and approachable are ideal for courses which involve teamwork and communication. Being able to coordinate complex tasks will obviously assist you with the skills required for very technical, academic courses.

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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