How I Learnt Three Languages as a Child

Ishan Mainali

I have been able to read, write, listen to and speak three different languages ever since I was a child.

My family speaks Nepali and therefore, ever since I was a child, I was surrounded by a Nepali-speaking environment at home. I started learning the Nepali alphabets in school starting from age 3.

I learnt the English alphabets the same age that I started learning the Nepali alphabet - at age three. My schooling was English-medium, and therefore, I have been receiving my formal education in the English language ever since I was 3 years of age.

I learnt Hindi informally. In Nepal, Bollywood cinema (which is in Hindi) has a large popularity and I grew up watching Bollywood movies. The cartoon shows in TV were also in Hindi. Because Hindi is similar to Nepali, it was easy to understand the grammatical structure but most of the vocabulary was new to me. Neverthless, after a few years of watching Hindi films and cartoons, I became fluent in Hindi too.

Right now I am learning Arabic. I can have a daily conversation with an Arabic speaker but I am not that fluent. Hopefully in a few years I will be fluent!
이 칼럼은 강사가 게시한 글로서 강사의 주관적인 의견이며 카페토크의 공식 입장이 아닙니다.

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  • Kiara sensei

    Hi, so good to hear about your journey into 3-4 languages! and btw I like Bollywood too! Back in my home city there are many people from India or Bangladesh and I've got friends who showed me some bollywood videos... They're funny! Someday I am gonna learn some Hindi too! Bye teacher, good luck!



레슨 카테고리

강사가 사용하는 언어

네팔어   모국어
영어    모국어
힌디어    대단히유창함
아랍어    일상회화가능
우르두어   일상회화가능
일본어    단어약간

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