The Wind Enters ~2~


But then with enough experience, one learns that temperature is not an absolute phenomenon as long as the perceiver is as inaccurate (I would like to add “adaptable,” too) an instrument as we humans are. This is not to say that I have gotten used to the weather here; far from it. I leave the AC in my room running almost 24/7, without which I would have even less peaceful sleep every night with red spots all over my body, with the compliments of the ever-present ‘quitoes.
What I mean is that, with the average temperature of 30 degrees centigrade all year round, your body comes to expect that every day is a repeat of the yesterdays, more or less. And some interesting things start to emerge: for example, when the temperature drops by a few degrees to a mild 26 or 27, you no longer find it comfortable, but actually chilly.
Speaking of “chilly,” you may be familiar with the term, “wind chill.” To put it simply, it is a perceived temperature when you’re constantly exposed to a wind or gust. And this applies equally when you live in the tropics. You would feel, as you ride on a motorcycle for instance, that the air is a couple of degrees chillier (or even more than that). Combine this fact with what I just described in the second paragraph, you will understand that “the wind” entering your body is not as supernatural or phony as it may seem.
To be continued…

This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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  • Rintaro

    Hello yuko, thanks again for the comments. I'm also glad to hear that I was able to help you remember the word, anecdote. Please have a great weekend.

  • yuko1


  • yuko1

    In Vietnam, motorcycles seem to be the predominant way of transportation like Indonesia. So, rather than avoiding traffic, they have only motorcycles not cars. I saw four people ride a motorcycle (a guy and three kids). I even saw a guy carrying a pig on a back seat of the motorcycle. Anyway, thank you for using a word "anecdotes" in your response. I learned the word a month ago, so it's still new to me. I was happy to come across it again to remember the new word.

  • Rintaro

    Hello Yuko, thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. That is an interesting observation you made; in fact I have never been to Vietnam, so things may be different there. As far as I know (based on hearsay and anecdotes from some of my friends from Singapore and Malaysia), most people in at least these three countries (Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia) swear by this "the wind" principle. I wonder if the people met in Vietnam were also trying to avoid traffic? Let me know. Thanks again

  • yuko1

    It reminds me that when I went to Vietnam. I saw lots of people are riding a motorcycle at night. I heard that they are doing it because they wanted to feel cooler air, otherwise it's too hot. I wonder they wanted the wind entering their body.

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