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MY TOPIC THIS WEEK: Seven Tips to Finding Inspiration When You Need It the Most

Weekly Topic: A song that you would play on repeat

Oct 18, 2022

The importance of inspiration cannot be understated. Inspiration spurs creativity, and it is the driving force behind any artistic endeavor. Without inspiration, we would not have the beautiful things that now fill our lives with joy and happiness.
There are many different ways to find inspiration in life, but it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what will work for you. It’s essential to experiment with new avenues until you find something that suits your needs and satisfies your creative cravings.
Look for inspiration in your everyday life. Keeping your options open and experimenting is the advice you will hear from successful artists and designers. Inspiration is everywhere. You only need to be willing to take the time to look.

Here are 7 Quick-Tips to finding Inspirations:
Take a Break
The first step to finding inspiration is to take a break. You may be so focused on your work that you don’t realize you’re exhausted and need some time away from the computer or your working environment. Go for a walk or read something completely unrelated to your goal.
Change Your Environment

Getting into a new environment will help you find new ideas and perspectives on your work. It can also help get you away from distractions like social media and other tasks that can take time and keep you distracted without adding value to your work. If you’re working in an office or at home, try going to the park or an office hub.
Do a Different Task
Do something completely different than what you are currently trying to accomplish. This can help provide a new perspective and inspire new thoughts and feelings about your work
Find a New Perspective by Asking Somebody
Find someone who inspires you and study their process. Then, think about how they found their inspiration and turned it into something extraordinary. 
Be Risky

The truth is that risks are essential for creative inspiration. Creativity often comes from pushing boundaries and exploring possibilities that can lead to uninhibited new thinking and ideas. This can also mean confronting your fears and insecurities, digging deeper into personal demons, and being open to the world around them.
Listen to Music
Music can be a fantastic source of inspiration and is a wonderful way to learn how to think creatively about your everyday habits. So, listen to songs you know you love or instrumental music for some peace and quiet time.
Read a Book
Reading can help inspire innovative ideas, while also providing insight into new topics that you may not have explored before. You might even discover something about yourself.
As you can see, inspiration can come from many diverse sources. It may seem difficult to come by, but it takes an unfamiliar perspective, mindfulness, and proper reflection to find it.
From the Professionals
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” - Albert Einstein
“Go as far as you can see; when you get there, you’ll be able to see further.” -   
Thomas Carlyle
Do you think finding your purpose and finding inspiration are connected? What inspires you?

See you in class,


This column was published by the author in their personal capacity.
The opinions expressed in this column are the author's own and do not reflect the view of Cafetalk.

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