Australian phrases and words that young people actually use.

Dan H


You may remember from other columns that I am married to an Australian.

She laughs at a lot of the Australian phrases and slang that we hear on tv or read on English language websites.

Usually they are old-fashioned or cliched. They aren't used very often in 21st century Australia, especially by young people. 

I asked her to come up with a list of words or phrases that are used in everyday conversation. These were her answers:

Doona - This is another word for quilt (or duvet as we say in Britain). For example: "The koala is sleeping under a doona because it's cold tonight."

Sanga = a sandwich.

Chook = a chicken.

Sunnies = sunglasses.

Arvo = the afternoon.

Bloke = a man.

Sheila = a woman.

"No worries, she’ll be right" - This means everything will be ok. For example: Your friend is worried about a health problem and in response you say "No worries, she'll be right!"

"Put a sock in it" - This means "Be Quiet!" or "Shut up!"

"Better than a kick up the backside." - This means better than nothing. For example: "I only received a hundred dollars when I sold my computer but it was better than a kick up the backside."

And here are three famous Australian phrases that young people don't really use in conversation these days:

- Strewth! - This is something you say when you are surprised or frustrated.

- Throw a shrimp on the barbie! - This means to cook prawns on the barbecue and really is a way of inviting someone to your house. 

- Fair dinkum - This means "really?" or "I'm telling the truth."

If you visit the wonderful country of Australia please listen out for some of these words. And see if you can find some new ones!

<a href="">Image by catalyststuff</a> on Freepik
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