Why isn’t my English getting any better?

Dean William

Has anyone thought about why their English isn’t getting any better?


It’s because you aren’t putting in the necessary time that is needed to learn English, and that’s not it…


It’s also because you are probably learning English from someone who is not correcting your pronunciation, who tends to speak more than to listen, who won’t give you a chance to practice speaking, and who has absolutely no idea about how to teach English in the correct way.


And for those who say that anyone can teach English, well, that is partly true and partly false.


If you meet someone who is not properly correcting your pronunciation, who is not patient with you, who doesn’t give you a chance to talk, and who makes up answers for the questions that you have that they don’t know how to answer, you should stay away from them when it comes to learning English.


People like that will actually cause you to be very frustrated with English in so many different ways.


Also, if you come across someone who’s trying to pass themselves off as a native English speaker, when in reality they are not, you should avoid them, because people like that can’t be trusted in any way.


A true English teacher, and or any other type of teacher should be one who is honest, who is truthful, who corrects you when you make a mistake, who gives you enough time to practice speaking, and who will give you the correct answers to all of your questions when they are teaching you.


Any other teacher who doesn’t do this, are not good teachers to learn from in any way.


If you are really serious about improving your English, you should stop making excuses for yourself for not being able to practice speaking in English and look for ways to get yourself to practice English everyday without quitting.


For those who wants to have a discussion about this topic, feel free to send me a lesson request.

Thank you.

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