Dear students,
I hope this week’s been kind to you. I was about to write a different column today on English, but then I stumbled upon an insightful poem which I have enclosed for you to read:
Kahlil Gibran is the author of The Prophet. In this poem , “Fear”, he describes a river flowing toward the ocean. The river hesitates, fearing it will lose itself in the vast sea. Yet, in the end, the river realizes that it is not disappearing but transforming into something greater.
This metaphor offers a valuable lesson when learning a language or faced with the challenges in life. Like the river, you might feel fear when faced with a difficult challenge such as starting a new job, moving to a new country or pursuing a dream. You may worry about being misunderstood, making mistakes, or losing your identity. Fear is a natural part of change.
But just as the river finds its purpose in merging with the ocean, your journey to overcome your challenge can help you connect with the world and discover new opportunities.
The Poem’s Language:
Let’s break down the poem’s language for some ESL learning:
Here are some key words and phrases from this passage. Let’s see what they mean:
- Hesitates — This verb means to pause or feel unsure about doing something. The river "hesitates" because it is uncertain about its future
- Vast — An adjective that means very large or immense. The "vast sea" symbolizes something unknown and overwhelming, like learning a language can sometimes feel.
- Lose itself — This phrase means to disappear or lose one’s identity. The river fears it will stop being a river when it flows into the ocean.
- Something greater — This phrase refers to becoming part of a bigger purpose or achieving something more meaningful. The river finds peace when it realizes it becomes part of the ocean, just as you grow when you face your fears.
Final Thoughts
Kahlil Gibran’s words remind us that fear is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to control us. When facing any challenge, remember that growth comes from pushing past your fears. If you let fear stop you, you might miss our on amazing opportunities. So, seize the moment, embrace the journey and you will discover just how far you can go.
I hope you enjoyed reading the poem.
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