從發音、四聲和簡單的每日會話開始學習,是初學者輕鬆、容易的課程。 (^o^)/
The lesson is made for the beginners who want to learn Mandarin from the very first step. This class will be getting from the basic pronunciation, 4 tones, easy grammar, and daily conversation. This is a great cour
純正な台灣繁體字です ლ(❛◡❛✿)ლ 老師給你免費教材,上課內容豐富,用英文或是日文上課都可以 ♪
台灣的生活文化、日常口語表達方式、學習美麗的字體。 老師提供免費教材。特別推薦給喜愛台灣中國語的好朋友。
Authentic Taiwanese Mandarin lesson. Great, Various lessons are ready for your best choice!! Teacher will prepare free material or handout for st
★ 強力推薦 《中級中文》★ Powerful Listening + Great Speaking ! 提高聽力和口說!快來!快來! 實用日常生活短文 +口語提升練習, 讓你的聽力和說話馬上大躍進!! Daily conversations or the useful short text listening + speaking. This class will make your listening & speaking better and better, and you le
Looking at the Pictures/Photos and try to describing. It is not only interesting but also can review words & sentences patterns.
您有多久沒有看幾篇好文章了? 好文章能給你心靈啟發,也能增加你的中文單字數量和提高是中文水平。
How long havn't you been reading great articles? They always inspire peoples heart. By reading those, your vacabularies will be increased, and your Mandarin level will be getten higher as well.
Chinese Mandarin & Taiwanese Mandarin are few differences, those are very interesting. Do you want to learn more about those?
台灣華語考試 T.O.C.F.L.(Test Of Chinese as a Foreign Language) 是台灣政府針對外國人為了在台灣工作、生活、求學等等的目的而舉辦的學習能力測試。目前每年都有越來越國家的外籍人士參加這個考試。
The test is held by Taiwan educational organization. the purpose is to check out the foreigners language levels for Taiwanese Manda
(文章添削)500字內寫日記、寫短文練習,或是各種身邊生活日常有趣的事情、無限自由感想、甚至最近發生的新聞內容,內容可以多樣也可以簡單而且很有意思。 長期寫下去能讓你的中文進步很多。今天就開始試試看吧! O(∩_∩)O In 500words, practicing writing on free topics, or writing Diary everyday will make great improving in Mandarin, how about try it from today?
適合(8-15歲)聰明兒童/少年的快樂中文課程 ↖(^ω^)↗ ♥ Happy Kids Mandarin classroom ♥
This lesson will be given with funny interactive media which supports kids/teenagers from 8-15 years old to learn easily. 老師用有趣的教材和有趣多媒體中文教學內容,很有趣哦!^^ ♪