Karsten Gå videre på norsk (A2-B1)
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Gå videre på norsk (A2-B1)

1,200 P
Hat Schnupperkurs
Intermediate Norwegian language course (A2-level and above). Have you been residing in Norway, or learned Norwegian through friends or familiy? Mayby you tried to learn the language earlier, and what to go further?


In this course, lessons will be based on your Norwegian skills, and give your the opportunity to improve these. Feel free to book a trial lesson, so we can find out more.

After this course, it will be easier for you to:
  • Talk about your family and friends with other Norwegians
  • Participate in business and leasure time activities
  • Understand Norwegians in everyday situations
  • Write e-mails and letters to keep in touch
  • Make a business or tourist trip through Norway
This is a practical course, with a lot of dialogues. We will focus on reading and writing Norwegian as well. You will also learn som more advanced Norwegian grammar. We will also focus on your listening skills, so you can more easily understand the Norwegian spoken by natives.

There is an tekstbook with usefull audiofiles which can accompany the course, called "Norsk nå" (Norwegian now). The textbook has it's own homepage, with interactive tasks and listening files. It has a variety of levels, and you can have a look at the A2 level here.

If you prefere an internet based learning resource, you can choose "Norwegian on the Web" as a bases for this course. It is developed by the university of Trondheim. You can access it for free here, and have a look at it. 

If you are on a B1-level or higher, I would find other suitable textbooks for you.

Before every lesson, you will get er preparation sheet, and you will get feed back and further tasks after every lesson.

It's up to you how fast you want to go through this course, depending on the time you want to spend learning. 

Cafetalk Rücktrittsregelung

Vor der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung

  • Stornierung jederzeit möglich

Nach der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung

  • Mehr als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornierung jederzeit möglich
  • Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
  • No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
    (Der Betrag kann je nach TutorIn variieren. Bitte nimm Kontakt mit Deiner Tutorin/ Deinem Tutor auf.)

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