philiphoon Let’s Try Writing in Hangul!(Korean alphabets)
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Let’s Try Writing in Hangul!(Korean alphabets)

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IT WAS DESIGNED TO BE LEARNED IN A SINGLE MORNING! Easy to Learn! One of the scholars who helped create the Korean alphabet said of Hangul: “The wise can learn it in one morning, and even the unwise can learn it in ten days.”


Sadly, some scholars opposed Hankul, precisely because it was so easy to learn! They derisively called it Amkul, meaning “women’s letters.” They disdained a system that could be learned even by women, who back then were not taught to read in the schools. This prejudice against Hankul persisted among upper-class Koreans for some time. In fact, more than 400 years elapsed before the Korean government declared that Hankul could be used in official documents.

In any event, the ease of learning Hankul has helped virtually to eradicate illiteracy from Korea. Indeed, by the time they enter school, most children have mastered it. What is more, in Korean schools there are no spelling contests! Why not? Because Hankul represents the sounds of Korean speech so accurately that writing them down correctly as you hear them presents no challenge. 

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Let’s Try Writing in Hangul!(Korean alphabets)


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