In-depth exam training.
Training for the DELE exam may seem overwhelming and hard at first, but in my experience, it's better to keep these lessons focused on very specific topics, going in-depth on 1 exercise at a time because the DELE exam has a very predictable structure.
I have prepared Koreans up to the C1 level and, depending on the case, going through 1 exercise step by step can take up to 2 hours. Nevertheless, it's also good to know the exam in general terms.
I have prepared Koreans up to the C1 level and, depending on the case, going through 1 exercise step by step can take up to 2 hours. Nevertheless, it's also good to know the exam in general terms.
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Photo by José María Cuellar.
Ask me anything at www.dolpod.com/ask-me-anything
Photo by José María Cuellar.
Cafetalk Rücktrittsregelung
Vor der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung
- Stornierung jederzeit möglich
Nach der Bestätigung einer Kursbuchung
- Mehr als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornierung jederzeit möglich
- Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
(Der Betrag kann je nach TutorIn variieren. Bitte nimm Kontakt mit Deiner Tutorin/ Deinem Tutor auf.)