★初心者・シニア大歓迎★ ハングルの読み書きができる方、初級2を終えられた方 「できる韓国語 初中級ブリッジ」を使用したレッスンを行います(^^) お得な25分レッスン×4回セットです♪
If you want to practice more accurate and natural pronunciation and intonation, or if you are not good at conversational Korean and would like to practice by reading out loud first, please feel free to join me~
K-popや韓国ドラマのostを通して韓国語を勉強しましょう! 初級者から可能です^^
This is a discounted lesson pack for those who would like to continue taking the 30-minute lesson.
For beginner level students who want to improve their conversational skills~(^^♪
In this lesson, we will practice conversation in Korean 1:1! Topics may include: travel, food, hobbies, K-pop, K-drama, likes / dislikes and much more! This class will focus on building the student's fluency and confidence when speaking Korean.
쉽게 쓰여진 한국어 책을 읽으며 발음과 단어, 간단한 문법 공부를 합니다. Through reading easy korean book, you can practice the pronounciation, vocaburary & simple grammer.
어워드 코멘트 2024년 상반기 카페토크 어워드 →
Ako. T
Jessica H
Chris Lane
Learn with Professor Ashish
Teacher Fabio Z
Brian R.
Kyou T
Magda K