Koyuki Sensei is a skilled Japanese teacher, and I have learned a lot in the year that I have been her student. I started with very few skills and not much solid experience and went on to pass the N5 exam in 9 months. I feel more confident in my day-to-day life after what I have been taught and intend to continue learning from Koyuki Sensei for as long as possible.
Her skills lie in creating a friendly, fun and relaxed space for her students to practice and make mistakes within. You work hard and are very productive without realizing. I feel that I can experiment and push myself in her classes and she is very skilled at pinpointing areas that I need to improve upon and flexibly adapting lesson plans to my needs. I look forward to her classes every week and feel motivated to work hard outside of classes so I can continue improving and we can have more in-depth conversations in the near future.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
mika tarutani
Toshi 104T
Sae K