Listening and Dictation, Vocabulary
Building Confidence in Everyday Spanish Conversations
HSK5級~6級向けの対策レッスンです。毎回宿題があります。 また、口試高級のテスト前模擬試験も可能です。
いきなり、レッスンを受けるのが不安な方。 先生との相性も大事ですよね♪わかります、わかります。 まずは、私がどんな人なのかチェックしに来てください♪ 日本語と英語の勉強目的についても、良かったら教えてくださいね♪
Recommended for those who are having trouble finding lessons and instructors.
老師提供講義給學生學習商用單字,會話, 銀行用語或是商業書信。Teacher will provide handouts, this class will be able to learn business vocabularies,conversation, banking words,and e-mails in the fiels. All are useful & interesting. Students will be able to apply what have learnt i
Let's make an opportunity to speak English constantly based on your goal and level if you usually don't have much chance to speak English or need to have a conversation through English.
Do you have something specific in mind you'd like to study? This class is for students with specific requests!
Improve your English by learning idiomatic expressions used in multiple countries for casual conversation and work life!
Let's talk about anything that interests you. All levels welcome.
Learn enjoyable Turkish from a pro Turkish teacher!
¿Tienes una agenda ocupada? Te ayudará si aun hablas sólo un poquito cada día. Esta es una breve lección de 15 minutos.
中国人の患者に伝えてやすい、 中華圏に旅行、留学でも安心で直ぐ使えます中国語! いろいろ場面の会話を模擬しながら、 中国語を楽しく身につけましょ!
Practice speaking and listening in various real life scenarios that you will experience when you travel abroad.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Cindy Tang
Mae Smith
Taka. M
Mika. I