Do you need to study Japanese for work? Let's learn Japanese as it is spoken in a business setting.
It's okay if you can only speak a little Chinese!
Practice English used in a variety of common situations!
This lesson you will learn to speak one phrase with natural pronunciation, such as "a phrase to use when traveling" or "a phrase to use on the phone."
Talk with me about a casual subject to improve your german skills.
This is a Japanese lesson for small children from 9 to 12 years old.
【最強の発音&音の法則マスター方法!?】『歌わない』歌のレッスン♪イタリアンポップスのリズムに合わせて歌詞を読むのは「発音&音の法則」を身につけるのに理想的!最強かも!?メロディーと同じリズムで章節を追いながら音読します。あ、歌ってもいいです!楽しく歌って、発音と音の法則が学べちゃう一挙両得レッスン! リスニング力向上にも繋がりますよ? 対象:入門〜最上級者 *イヤホン利用推奨 *歌曲はお勧めしていません
Welcome to students who want to achieve Chinese language level of A1-B2. I could help you decide the textbook based on your level.
A mock test for the ACTFL OPI of assessing how well a person speaks Mandarin Chinese.
Uncover the power of words around the world as we explore news articles, expanding your English skills one headline at a time. Camera OFF is OK!
Let's practice きれい&じょうずな Japanese~!!! 30mins × 3 set
1日30分ずつ勉強続けましょう! たまに長く勉強するより、毎日30分ずつしたほうがより効果が高いです!
Welcome to students who want to pass TOCFL exam.
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Autumn/Winter) →
Trainer J
Lisa D.
Kyoko O.
Moira English
Tiffany Mack