¡Hablemos español dos veces a la semana! VALID FOR 30 DAYS
Learn Spanish from scratch or continue learning with an organized method according to your level. Levels: absolute beginner, beginner, intermediate and advanced.
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Yo te enseño.
Beginners who want to experience, speak, and converse in Spanish are welcome to join♪ Why don’t you chat in Spanish with me without worrying about any mistakes or misunderstandings?
Are you interested in learning Spanish? Yo te enseño.
This is a lesson for students who want to learn Spanish from scratch as quickly as possible. In around 20 lessons, you will learn everything from how to read the alphabet to imperative sentence.
25 Minutes with Feedback
Aprende mientras conversamos!
Aula Internacional Plus 2 - Advanced Beginner Level
アルゼンチン、スペインとサッカー選手として6年間プレーした経験を元に実用的で楽しんで頂けるお時間を提供いたします。 ※年齢問わず初心者様から勉強されてる方までどなたにも対応可能です。1度ご相談ください!
Valid for four 45 minutes lessons. 4 Lesson Pack to use it at your convenience. Buy it and use it at your convenience, just tell what you would like to study! VALID FOR 45 DAYS.
まったく初めての方は、おそらく「スペイン語ってどんな言葉なんだろう?」 「なんとなく興味を感じるけど、いきなりスペイン語は大丈夫かなあ~」と思われているかも?しれません。 そんな風に、スペイン語に少し触れてみたいなあ~と言う方へのスペイン語 まったく始めての方への20分のレッスンです。 **このレッスンのリクエストは2回までです。**
¡Vamos a hablar en español una vez a la semana! VALID FOR 30 DAYS.
¡Vamos a practicar con temas y estrategias para DELE! Sugiere el tema y lo preparamos, discutimos y revisamos juntos.
If you are a beginner who is interested in Spanish, why don’t you learn Spanish from the very basics. Have fun learning the beautiful Spanish language.
Keep learning!
Award Comments 2024 Awesome Lesson Awards (Spring/Summer) →
Kara Bird
Tutor Niki
Kenneth Feldman
David Berger