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Asking for Directions in French: Finding Your Way with Confidence

Mastering Essential Phrases for Asking and Giving Directions in French

50 → 25min
1,000 → 600P

Message from tutor

Hello! Please check out my lessons.

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 12 minutes
Compartiendo un "Mate" con amigos

Tradicion Argentina

50 → 30min
1,000 → 300P

Message from tutor

Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 22 minutes
Reading News articles in French

Developing French Reading Skills Through News Articles and Current Events

50 → 25min
1,000 → 600P

Message from tutor

Hello! Please check out my lessons.

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 12 minutes
 Conversational English

Improve fluency, build confidence and apply skills in real life situations

50 → 30min
Accepting new requests for the next 3 hours and 37 minutes
Quick Conversation

Speak naturally in everyday conversations

50 → 15min
1,000 → 600P
Accepting new requests for the next 3 hours and 52 minutes
Shopping Vocabulary and Phrases

Mastering Essential Shopping Language to Navigate Stores and Markets Confidently

50 → 25min
1,000 → 600P

Message from tutor

Hello! Please check out my lessons.

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 12 minutes
Language learning for Kids

Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening

English for Kids
50 → 30min
Accepting new requests for the next 3 hours and 37 minutes
Aventura de Salta a Machu Pichu

A dedo, Colectivo, tren y mas....

50 → 30min
1,000 → 300P

Message from tutor

Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 22 minutes
Viaja por Latinoamerica, aprendiendo español

Conversa y aprende a viajar usando la lengua española

50 → 30min
1,000 → 300P

Message from tutor

Let's talk. How are you? Are you ready to travel, learning Spanish? I'll wait for you in my class, so you can travel around Latin America. See you here!

Accepting new requests for the next hour and 22 minutes
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