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【中上級者向け】台灣萬花筒 華語看世界 台湾を知る!
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Detalles de la lección
Lesson 01 愛台灣的三大挑戰
Lesson 01 愛台灣的三大挑戰
The Three Major Challenges of Loving Taiwan
Lesson 02 便利商店密度世界第一──另類的台灣之光
The Highest Concentration of Convenience Stores in the World
Lesson 03 記憶裡最難忘的味道──台灣人的大同電鍋
A Nostalgic Taste: Taiwan’s TaTung Rice Cooker
Lesson 04 博愛座,坐不坐?──台灣的讓座文化
Priority Seats: to Sit or Not to Sit
Lesson 05 新台灣電影中的台灣味
A Taste of Taiwan Through Contemporary Taiwanese Cinema
Lesson 06 文化軟實力──台灣電視圈的盛衰
Cultural Soft Power: the Rise and Fall of the Taiwanese TV Industry
Lesson 07 台灣的文創產業
The Cultural and Creative Industry in Taiwan
Lesson 08 兩岸藝術交流──富春山居圖合璧
Cross-Strait Artistic Exchange:
Reuniting the Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
Lesson 09 十分幸福?──天燈的祝福與啟示
True Happiness? : the Blessings and Messages of Sky Lanterns
Lesson 10 玫瑰與彩虹旗
A Withered Rose and the Rainbow Flag: LGBTQIA Issues
Lesson 11 新住民──文化停看聽
New Immigrants: Understanding Cultural Diversity
Lesson 12 城市與文化──南北大不同
Urbanization and Culture: Life in the City vs. the Countryside
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- Menos de 24 horas antes de que la clase de comienzo→ Se perderá el 100% del importe de la clase
- Menos de 24-48 horas antes de que la clase de comienzo→ Se perderá el 50% del importe de la clase
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Todas las clases del (de la) tutor/a
A Course in Contemporary Chinese
•Practical Audiovisual Chinese 3rd edition(1~5)(新版實用視聽華語) •A Course in Contemporary Chinese(1~6) (當代中文) •時代華語 Modern Chinese50min 2,200P -
60 Taiwanese Expressions for Realistic Everyday Conversation (for beginners and in traditional Chinese)
All the example sentences are accompanied by the Taiwanese phonetic symbol "bopomofo" and pinyin. The book also contains a wealth of tourist and ever25min 1,200P -
発音の癖や訛りも含め、ネイティブの生の中国語を聞くことができます。先生や教科書とは違う、ちょっと聞きとりづらい中国語にチャレンジしてみてください。50min 2,400P -
(10ⅹ25 mins) Textbook lesson
we will use teaching materials and learn step by step.25min X 10 11,000PTiene prueba Pack of 10 -
?Translation Practice (Beginner to Intermediate) -
English to Chinese or Japanese to Chinese25min 1,200P -
👺Japanese for Travelers: 116 Essential Phrases
For beginners and N5/N4 level students.25min 1,400P
***o. S