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요청 레슨 수: 4,053

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 주말: 06시 00분 ~ 12시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)

제안된 레슨 수: 1

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

English Grammar in useを使って文法や表現を覚え、自分の言葉で英作をしたい

원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

프로의식이 강함,즐거움,말하기 쉬움,영어로 설명 가능

수강하시는 분에 대해서

여성,논바이너리,講師の性格はとても大事,명확한 목표가 있음,재밌는 레슨을 선호함,서로 이해 하는 것이 더 중요함

레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 06시 00분 ~ 12시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)

한국어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

초보자에게 추천,프로의식이 강함,즐거움,중년분들에게 추천,레슨 완료 후 친절한 추가 설명,말하기 쉬움,레벨에 맞추어 레슨 진행,일본어로 설명 가능

레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 주말: 12시 00분 ~ 18시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)

일본어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.







원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

중급자에게 추천,프로의식이 강함

레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 12시 00분 ~ 18시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 주말: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

Days ago, I made an 'order lesson' request, saying "I would like to read and understand 'Of truth' of Francis Bacon's 'The essays'. Can you please help me? ". It is located at three articles under this request.

I think I wrote too less in my request, and I write here my aim and attitude here again.

*** My aim of this lesson.

My aim is not to understand Bacon, but to enhance my ability to read and understand English.

So such an offer like 'You don't have to read this old and difficult writing. Instead I'll tell you what he thinks briefly' is not welcome.

I want to read the text.

**** What I think are necessary to understand Bacon

1. Grammar (including Middle English grammar).
2. Vocabulary
3. Logic
4. Sense of native speaker.
5. Background knowledge

+++ On 1 and 2. Grammar and Vocabulary
Some says
"After all, no one knows what Bacon truly meant except Bacon himself. So you can have your own interpretation."

Supposing it is true, this could lead to the conclusion that you don't ask for tutors' help, because free interpretation can be done all by myself freely.

As a foreign English learner, I would like to stick on grammar, and ask lots of questions to tutors, even if it is Middle English.

+++ on 3 and 4. Logic and Native speakers' sense.

Logic is, no doubt, important to understand the text.
I think I am a logic-oriented person, and would like to discuss deeply on the author's logic. Of course, the discussion must be based on the text, i.e., grammar and vocabulary.

It is possible that English native speakers can understand the essay by native speakers' sense and intuition. This kind of native sense, however, is nothing I can have by its definition. So "Don't think, feeeeel" kind of teaching style might not be useful here.

Imagine if you are interested in Japanese old writings and ask for help to read and understand it, and if the tutor tell you "I understand the text. But to understand this text, a Zen sense is required, sense which only a Japanese native speaker can have", you would definitely be frustrated and disappointed. You can say the same thing vice versa in English texts.

I would like to analyze this text by its grammar and logic. This is a philosophical essay; I believe this sticking-on-logic attitude is not so bad here.

+++ on 5. Background knowledge

To understand the essay, the reader must have same background knowledge as the English readers in the time of Bacon. For example, you must know who Pilate is and what he did in advance.

I would appreciate it if you teach me that kind of implicit background knowledge.

Well, I think I know of Pilate.
“I am innocent of this man’s blood,” he said. “You shall bear the responsibility.” All the people answered, “His blood be on us and on our children!”

**** What I know about Bacon.

FORTUNATELY, I haven't read Bacon in English nor Japanese.
I will not read Japanese translation during the lesson.

I would experience the pure text.

And any teacher to whom this attitude is acceptable, please respond.

관악기 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

휘파람 (whistle/口笛) 레슨이 있었으면 합니다. 기초부터 차분하게 배우고 싶습니다.

수강하시는 분에 대해서

남성,명확한 목표가 있음,나만의 속도로 공부

제안된 레슨 수: 1

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

즐거움,제대로 공부하고 싶은분에게 추천,교재가 충실함,어린이에게 추천,말하기 쉬움,정중하게 대응,열의가 느껴짐,레벨에 맞추어 레슨 진행,일본어로 설명 가능

수강하시는 분에 대해서

주부,講師の性格はとても大事,재밌는 레슨을 선호함

제안된 레슨 수: 1

일본어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

僕は日本語の小説を読むのが好きです。だいたい、月に一冊くらい読んでいます。小説を読み終わったら、その小説について日本人と話し合うのはとても面白いと思っています。最近、読んだ本は住野よるの「君の膵臓をたべたい」や辻仁成の「その後のふたり」や小保方晴子の「あの日」です。今読んでいる小説は雪富千晶紀 の「死呪の島 」です。先生のお進めの本も読んでみたいです。

원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

중급자에게 추천,제대로 공부하고 싶은분에게 추천,말하기 쉬움

레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)
  • 주말: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Tokyo)

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I would like to read and understand 'Of truth' of Francis Bacon's 'The essays'. Can you please help me?

The site above 'Francis Bacon — Of Truth – Line by line meaning' tells you what every paragraph means. For example,

A): Certainly there be that delight in giddiness, and count it a bondage to fix a belief; affecting free-will in thinking, as well as in acting.
B): Meaning .. People do not seek Truth, and enjoy resorting to falsehood and lies. People like ambiguity, and inaccuracy, so that they can couch the harshness of Truth in convenient language.

To me, a Japanese English learner, however, the grammatical analysis is required. I don't see how and why those lines (A) would lead to the meaning of (B).

Any tutor who can help me fill the gap between A and B, please respond.

원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

프로의식이 강함

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


원하시는 레슨이나
강사의 특징

초보자에게 추천,프로의식이 강함,즐거움,가벼운 마음으로 수강 가능,친절함,레슨 완료 후 친절한 추가 설명,말하기 쉬움,열의가 느껴짐

수강하시는 분에 대해서

여성,논바이너리,발음이 매우 중요함,명확한 목표가 있음,재밌는 레슨을 선호함,짧은 시간동안 집중함,서로 이해 하는 것이 더 중요함

레슨 희망 시간

  • 평일 한정: 18시 00분 ~ 24시 00분 (Asia/Taipei)
  • 주말: 06시 00분 ~ 12시 00분 (Asia/Taipei)
  • 工作日上午6~9點

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