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요청 레슨 수: 3,895

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


제안된 레슨 없음

독일어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


제안된 레슨 수: 1

Microsoft 오피스 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


제안된 레슨 수: 1

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

Hello, My name is May. I'm a Japanese language teacher and I'm a student, too. I've been to study about psychological education to the college since last April. I have learned English there for a year. But I think my conversation skill doesn't improve yet. And I'm worried about speaking in English now. I want to talk more easily. I would like to talk about my work, family, hobbies, and to be able to catch natural speed English.

Thank you!

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


제안된 레슨 수: 2

프랑스어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I work in customer service at Disney. I want to to help French guests with directions, dining reservation and basic conversation. I don't need to learn to read or write. Just simple conversation. Thank you!

일본어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I work in customer service at Disney. I want to to help Japanese guests with directions, dining reservation and basic conversation. I don't need to learn to read or write. Just simple conversation. Thank you!

바둑 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I'd like to learn the basic of Go. I can speak Chinese and English.

제안된 레슨 수: 1

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I want to learn how to use auxiliary verb like native speaker. Those are confusing to Japanese and I want to aquire them to write essays or talk more mature and naturally.

일본어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

Fine dining service where appropriate modes of language can be learnt in order to serve customers wine, cocktails and European menu items, as well as take payment.

제안된 레슨 수: 2

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