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요청 레슨 수: 3,896

스페인어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I would like to start learning spanish this coming year. I know nothing about Spanish. I would like to start from the very beginning, from Alphabet, numbers, greetings, basic introduction. For maybe 30mins per week.

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I'd like to take a intermediate level grammar class!
It will be great if you can teach me during 6am to 9pm Beijing time.
Thanks a lot!

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I'd like to practice English daily conversation via text chat (e.x. skype text chat).
The topics can vary but I prefer to talk about something concerned with Japan or Japanese culture, or world current issues than entertainment or gossips. So, someone who has interests in Japanese culture or world issues would be better.

My English is in intermediate, but still make many basic grammar mistakes and use outdated, too formal or unnatural expression. I want my teacher to correct them and teach how to say them in natural way.

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I am going to take a course of flower essences in English.
I'm looking for teachers who can teach me spiritual words and phrases.

Also, for another purposes, I would like to take TOEFL ibt too.
I prefer professional teachers who can help me preparing for the test.

제안된 레슨 수: 2

일본어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

毎週の金曜日 18:00-18:30 (東京)30分500円 日本語の話しほしい。

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

I'm looking for a tutor who took CELTA in Hawaii.
I'm thinking about taking a CELTA course in Hawaii, so if there is someone who has done it , I would like you to tell me what it was like in the lesson.

제안된 레슨 없음

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

Hi cafetalk Teachers,

I'm looking for the teacher who can help me training interpreter skiils.
I'd like to meet who has experiences as interpreter (Japanese-English, Japanese-Mandarin, or English-Mandarin).


제안된 레슨 없음

스페인어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.


제안된 레슨 수: 3

영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.




영어 를(을) 배우고 싶어요.

HI. I'm looking for a teacher who can teach my ten year’s old daughter. She has been in Canada for two years and can speak English. She went to public school there and learned every subjects in English.
She is interesting in something like English movies and Enlish music for teenagers, and books written in English for ten-year's old girls.
Now, she takes English class three timea a week in Japan, but her level is different from other ordinary Japanese kids because of her experience.
So she feels she can do more. She really wants to keep and improve her English skills.
If there is someone who knows lesson materials which kids in English environment use as usual, and teaches her with it, please contact me.

부담없이 질문해 주세요!