John Steele 강사 공지사항

I'm sorry I'm leaving - Goodbye Coupon!

2020년 2월 17일

Dear Students,

I am sorry to announce that I will be leaving Cafetalk for the foreseeable future. I will start a new job at a newspaper and continue with my band which is very busy now.

Thank you so much. I have met so many wonderful people. It has been my pleasure to help you and I just hope that I was useful and you could learn something from me.

If you wish to say goodbye or contact me at anytime please feel free to send me a message on Skype.

I have created a discount coupon for my final two weeks so please use it if you wish to take a final lesson.

I'm sad to go, thank you for being my students.

Good luck in your future studies. 


Coupon Name: Goodbye Coupon!
Code: 7393db0c
Discount Rate: 10%
For Lesson: Any lesson except for lesson packs
Effective for lessons conducted between: Feb 17, 2020 ~ Mar 1, 2020
(GMT+00:00 London)

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