Keziah 강사 공지사항

✼  ҉ ✨ Life update ✨  ҉  ✼

2023년 1월 16일

Happy New Year everyone!!!

May you all have a prosperous year ahead and good health to you, to your family and everyone else you care about.

Here is a little update on my life. I moved here in Portugal four months ago and just six weeks ago, I gave birth to an adorable baby girl. So many challenging changes in my life so far but I'm embracing them with a positive mind. I'd say living here in Europe is way more complex than in Asia. Most of the people around me only speak Portuguese except my husband. Weather is different that I have to adopt to the cold winter months. Very different food and cooking with less to zero Asian ingredient is a challenge. Also, the expensive commodities here and there. Hence, the update on my lesson prices. I do hope for your understanding on this matter. Thank you very much and hope to see you all again in class soon.
부담없이 질문해 주세요!