
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
Französisch Fluent
Englisch Daily conversation


Master of Arts (Français Langue Étrangère (FLE))
DAPF Grad 1
Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test Passed
TOEIC 845 Punkte
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Mi 20:00 Do 00:00
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.MAHO. Tutorenprofil


After graduating from a university in Japan, I studied the Français langue étrangère (FLE: French for French as a foreign language) at a graduate school in France.
I chose this profession as I love the French language as well as teaching something to others.
I will propose lessons tailored to each individual with various learning objectives and language levels.
I would be more than glad to share the beauty as well as the difficult side of the French language with as many of you as possible.
I enjoy reading Yukio Mishima’s works and 19th century overseas novels, as well as watching American and British films!

French Language Proficiency Test Level 1 (2022)
TCF level C1 (2015)
Japanese Language Teaching Competency Test (2021)

【Teaching Experience】
After obtaining a graduate degree, I taught at a French language school in Japan for 3 years.
I have taught students from various age groups, from teenagers to senior citizens in their 70's, and for a variety of learning motives, from travel conversation, taking an exam, or even for professional purposes.
I also have experience in various types of lessons, from group lessons to private lessons, as well as offline and online lessons.

【 Cafetalk Translation / November 2022 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. 

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