
Language Fluency

Spanisch Native
Englisch Near-Native


Bachelor of Arts English Language
Certificate in Teaching Business English
This qualification has been verified by Cafetalk.

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over 4 years ago
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This tutor usually accepts requests up to 12 hours before the desired lesson time
Mo 16:00   18:30
Di 06:00   11:30
Di 16:00   18:30
Mi 06:00   11:30
Mi 16:00   18:30
Do 06:00   11:30
Do 16:00   18:30
Fr 06:00   11:30
Fr 16:00   18:30
Sa 06:00   11:30
Sa 16:00   20:00
So 01:00   06:00
Schedule visible to 2 month(s)
Actual availability may differ. Please check when you make a request.
Shown in Asia/Tokyo time.

Charlie Tutorenprofil

This tutor is currently on leave.
I must say that I am an ordinary person, however, my attitude towards life and things we deal with everyday is the huge difference from everybody else. I am extremely optimistic and that makes me find positive things in almost everything. I am very creative and a great problem solver in different areas in life, not only in translation or teaching.

I love sports, I am very active (hyper, perhaps),  so my relaxing activity is to go jogging or play sports. The other thing that might make me different is that I have read books, comics, magazines, newspapers, and digital info my entire life.

I enjoy my classes and I really hope to have a fulfilling experience with the people I work with, I'm sure there are wonderful people on the other side of the screen and I am more than ready to learn and have fun with you, guys. 

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  • Mehr als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornierung jederzeit möglich
  • Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
  • No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
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