
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
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Französisch Just a few words


ALJC Certified Course in Japanese Language Teaching to Children
First Class Licensed Teacher Junior High
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MINA_G Tutorenprofil

Are you worried about your child’s Japanese language education? For children who are mainly exposed to languages other than Japanese at home or at school, Japanese might have become a foreign language for them, and as a parent or guardian, I am sure you are aware of the difficulties in teaching Japanese. I was one of those parents, too, and had few opportunities to use Japanese when I was raising my children overseas, so I was worried about their Japanese language skills.
Therefore, I became certified as an AJLC Children’s Japanese Language Instructor and learned how to teach children who speak Japanese as a foreign language using AJLC’s unique curriculum and teaching materials.

I offer beginner and intermediate courses for children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old who speak Japanese as a foreign language. (We will be using AJLC’s textbooks Niko niko 1 and Niko niko 2)

☆ Kumao to Nihongo 1 (Beginner level, 4 to 5 years old and above)
Course goal:
〇 Understand words and sentences, and be able to give simple responses (greetings, names, numbers, colors, and so on.) 〇 Be able to use adjectives and verbs (big/small, I like/dislike, I eat/drink, and so on.) 〇 Be able to answer each question in full sentences (I have..., I’m going to..., and so on.)

☆ Kumao to Nihongo 2 (Intermediate level, 6 to 7 years old and above)
Course goals
〇 Be able to ask and answer questions in longer sentences than beginner level (date, day of the week, my bag is very big, and so on.) 〇 Be able to have short conversations about your day or week (school starts at 8:30 a.m., I went to bed at 9:00 p.m. yesterday, and so on.) 〇 Be able to express their daily life, wishes (I wash my face, I want a new bag, and so on.)

☆ Casual Japanese Conversation (Intermediate and above)
For those who can speak Japanese to some extent but would like to further practice their conversation skills.
You will be able to improve your Japanese in this conversation-based lesson, regardless of the conversation topic.
I will give you feedback on your usage of words and grammar that caught my attention during our conversation.
This lesson is open to adults of any age as well.

Although I offer courses, each lesson will vary slightly as they will be arranged according to the level of the individual student.
Please feel free to send me a message to discuss your needs and take a trial lesson!

【 Cafetalk Translation / July 2023 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.

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