
Language Fluency

Japanisch Native
Chinesisch/Mandarin Proficient
Englisch Just a few words


420+Hrs Course Completed in Advanced Skills of Teaching Japanese
敬語力検定 準1級
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Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
みなさま、こんにちは。 カフェトークで日本語のレッスンを提供しているNobueと申します。 今日は旧暦の1月1日。 とてもおめでたい日ですね˙ᵕ˙ まずはみなさまに、春節のご挨拶をしたいと思います。...
Published 15 Mar, 2023 | View: 1379
みなさまこんにちは。講師のNobueです。この度、私のプロフィールにRecommendedリボンをいただきました。 嬉しくて、コラムを書いています(*´꒳`*)これも、いつも私のレッスンを受けてくだ...
Published 5 Oct, 2022 | View: 1564
皆さん、こんにちは( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )講師のNobueです。皆さんに嬉しいお知らせがあります!この度、【講師ランキング】 にランクインいたしました( ˆoˆ )/ カフェトークでレッスンの提供を始めて...

Nobue Tutorenprofil

Nice to meet you. I am tutor Nobue. I live in Taichung city, Taiwan.
*Career history related to Japanese language education (7 years of teaching experience) [Experience in Taiwan]
・Full-time Japanese tutor at a public junior high school’s night division
・Cram school for language learning
・Tutor at a medical university
・Private tutor and corporate Japanese language teaching
*Teaching experience
Introduction to the 50 sounds, to advanced level Japanese (grammar and conversation)
JLPT preparation
Business Japanese
*My Policy on Cafetalk
I strive to provide lessons tailored to each and every student.
Lessons are typically conducted fully in Japanese.
However, explanations in simple Chinese are possible.
After the lesson, I will send my original feedback as a “★Lesson Summary★” [Please see below for details]
*The way a person learns is “different for everyone!” so I would like to provide supplementary materials and learning methods that suit each and every one of you.
【What I send to all of my students】
※Excluding counseling and no-Skype lessons
※This “Lesson Summary” is provided to anyone who has taken lessons in line with my policy for each lesson. Please understand that I cannot provide it if a lesson is ordered by you.
*Please refer to the lesson page for my policies and approach to each lesson.
★Lesson Summary★ (Original feedback)
In addition to the feedback page on Cafetalk,
I will create the following “summary” in my original format:♩
・What you did good in the lesson
・Tutor’s impressions
・New vocabulary we studied in the lesson
├ Intonation
├ Meaning in Chinese (or English, depending on each case)
├ Part of speech
└ Example sentences
【Some other topics as needed...】
・Answers to the questions you asked me

The above are the topics I will be including in my feedback.

※It usually takes me some time to create an original feedback for students.
If it takes me over 72 hours after the lesson to send the feedback to you, I will offer a 10% discount coupon as an apology.
【About lesson cancellations】
If you do not show up by the end of the lesson time, I will charge a 100% cancellation fee.
I ask you for your understanding and cooperation.
Additionally, if I have to cancel the lesson on the day due to unforeseeable circumstances, I will issue a 100% discount coupon to you (only for same-day cancellations).
*I have a family member with an underlying health condition, so if they have a fever of over 38 degrees, they will need to be hospitalized immediately, so I will have to cancel my lessons. In such cases, I will contact you immediately.
【Other - About issuing coupon-】
■ I will issue a 5% discount coupon to students who provide feedback [a star rating] after the lesson.
■ I will issue a 10% discount coupon to students who leave a written review after the lesson.
*Feedback is by no means mandatory, but it would be truly encouraging for me if you could leave a feedback within your comfort zone. Meeting everyone through the lessons is the most delightful thing, so please don’t feel pressured ( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )*
【To anyone taking my lesson for the first time】
I offer a lesson called
カウンセリング&レベルCheck (Counseling & Level Check) ( ¨̮ )” for 0 points.
Please feel free to book this lesson.
※Please note that you can only book this lesson once.
【A request to everyone】
⚠︎ In consideration of sound and image quality, as well as copyright and portrait rights, I kindly ask you to refrain from recording or filming my lessons. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
*My Brief Profile
- Hometown: Shizuoka prefecture, Japan
- Prefectures I’ve Lived In: Shizuoka, Osaka and Kyoto
- Countries I’ve Visited: Taiwan, the USA and Australia
- Hobbies and interests: Reading, Skyscrapers
- Favorite Celebrity: Kentaro Sakaguchi
- Favorite Saying: “雨垂れ石を穿つ (Constant dripping wears away a stone)”
\Let’s enjoy learning together♪/
【 Cafetalk Translation / November 2024 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding. The tutor doesn’t speak English.

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  • Weniger als 24 Stunden vor Kursbeginn→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
  • No-Show→ Stornogebühren können anfallen.
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