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Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Published 25 Sep, 2022 | View: 2925
みなさん、こんにちは!안녕하세요!  お元気(げんき)ですか? 日本語(にほんご)&韓国語講師(かんこくごこうし)のshimako.wです! いつもレッスンを受講(じゅこう)してくださり、本...
私の推(お)しの映画(えいが)キャラクターは、「魔女(まじょ)の宅急便(たっきゅうびん)」のキキです。 スタジオジブリの作品(さくひん)はどれも好(す)きですが、中(なか)でも「魔女(まじょ)の宅急...
みなさん、こんにちは!日本語&韓国語講師のShimako.Wです。 このたび、日本語(にほんご)の新着講師(しんちゃくこうし)ランキング2位(にい)に選(えら)んでいただきました! これもひ...

Nice to meet you! My name is Shimako.W.
I am originally from Tokyo, Japan, and have been living in South Korea for 12 years now.
My main occupation is a nursery school teacher and kindergarten teacher. I have worked at nursery schools and kindergartens in both Japan and in South Korea for about 13 years. After I got married and started living in South Korea, I taught advanced Japanese conversation classes at cram schools and companies for 2 years, and I really enjoyed teaching Japanese to Korean students, which is what led me to start teaching at Cafetalk!
If you have studied Japanese but don’t have many chances to speak Japanese, you can talk about your interests, about Japan, about what happened to you today, or anything else with me.
Feel free to talk as if you were chatting with a friend♪
I will correct your pronunciation and teach you natural expressions while having fun chatting in Japanese.
If you don’t have a chance to speak Korean, or if you are curious about life in South Korea and you want to learn Korean expressions that native speakers use, I can share these information with you in an easy-to-understand manner, as a Korean language learner myself. (I’m still learning too!).
If you have any difficulties understanding, I can provide supplementary explanations in Japanese, English (daily conversation level), as well as in Korean (proficient).
I am looking forward to connecting with people from all over the world and having many conversations with them!
Thank you very much!
✩What I enjoy, and what I like✩
・Traveling abroad (I traveled around Australia on a working holiday! I have also been to the west coast of the U.S., Thailand, New Zealand, Taiwan, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, etc.)
・Hiking in the mountains
・Yoga (I have been practicing yoga for about a year)
・Playing the ukulele and piano (just a little)
・Watching movies and listening to music
・Reading books
・Playing with my cat
・Enjoying good coffee and bread

Thanks to all of your support, I have been chosen as,
 ☆ Japanese New Tutor Ranking No.2 (as of April 2nd, 2021)
☆ Japanese New Tutor Ranking No.4 (as of April 16th and 30th, 2021)
☆ Japanese Trending Tutor Ranking No.1 (as of April 30th, 2021)
Thank you so much for all of your support!
I will continue to do my best to help you learn Japanese and Korean☆

【 Cafetalk Translation / May 2021 】
Please note that this profile has been translated by Cafetalk for easier understanding.

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