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Japanisch Native
Englisch Proficient
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Kaori Nishimoto Tutorenprofil

Hello everyone! Why don't you reconsider your study methods? 
Grammar is explained very efficiently by a teacher who speaks your native language, and you can practice kanji by yourself. And for natural conversation, pronunciation, business manners, etc., it's best to study with a native teacher.
Even if you make grammatical mistakes, if you pronounce them correctly, it will sound like a higher level, and it easily can be understood. The conversation will progress. You will gain confidence. It will be fun. Your motivation will increase.
In business situations, it's not just the language that's important, but also to learn in advance what you should have known to avoid problems.
Let's speak Japanese with beautiful pronunciation, pleasant business manners, and a warm heart.

I'm certificated Teacher, studied how to teach For non-native speakers.  

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