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Tutor’s Columns

Erfahrungsberichte und interessante Geschichten - direkt von den Cafetalk-Tutoren für die Schüler.
Published 11 Jan, 2024 | View: 2890
毎度遅ればせながら…新年あけましておめでとうございます♩オンラインレッスンは携われば携わるほど、各々におけるスタンスが色々あって、それが良い♪ を感じます。お一人お一人に寄り添えるレッスンを今年も目...
久々投稿です! 私は元々アンサンブルが大好きなのですが、ご縁あって、同世代の友人たちと Opti (オプティ) というトリオを組んでも演奏活動をしています♪ Opti (オプティ) は、明るく気まま...
北風の強い今日この頃、、、個人的に1月は散々だったのでなんとか体調崩さず過ごしていきたいものです><。またまた『SPY×FAMILY』主題歌演奏動画のご紹介です♪ 第2クール ED主題歌「色彩」 (...
Published 4 Jan, 2023 | View: 4539

yurino Tutorenprofil

Nice to meet you♪ Thank you for visiting my profile.
My name is yurino and I’m an online piano teacher.

Music should be fun♪ 
Let’s spend some productive time making music together!!

ー Lessons for Children ー

What kind of sound does a piano make?
Have your child experience all the different sounds that the black and white keys bring to life.

Great for kids who are just starting out (^^)
Great for kids who want to get even better (^^)

I will guide your child, taking care to nurture their natural musical sense, so that they can play with ease in the future. I can incorporate solfège, music rules, and other various approaches as necessary. I can also help your child learn how to play a piece, for example a choral accompaniment, in a short amount of time. Please contact me to discuss the possibility.

ー Lessons for Adults ー

These lessons are great for people who:
-are trying piano for the first time
-haven’t played in a long time
-are involved in early childhood education
-are involved in musical activities with a choir or a band
Everybody has their own reasons for getting started, whether it’s the kind of music they like, or the kind of piano they want to play. Let’s discuss it all! I hope I can help you make your music life even richer!

I can give lessons on a wide variety of genres, including pop piano, classical piano, children’s songs, and even enka!

These are also my first online lessons!
Here are some reasons online piano lessons are great:

★ you take full advantage of your time because you don’t waste any of it traveling
★ unlike physical music schools, there’s no admission fee
★ you can take lessons at home and at your own pace
★ you don’t have to take the lessons on any specific day, so you have freedom in your lesson schedule
★ reasonable lesson rates
★ the possibility of trying out all sorts of different courses

Yurino Tominaga’s Profile

Yurino Tominaga graduated from the Music Education Department of Kunitachi College of Music. At the same time, she also completed a Korrepetitor course and a piano teacher training course. While attending school, she played accompaniment in several school concerts and Yomuiri’s Newcomer Concert. She also participated in the Young Praque International Music Festival. She then completed her postgraduate studies in the art department at Nihon University, receiving a PhD in Piano and performed in the completion concert.

From the time she was in college, she participated in many activities including opera, vocal music, instrumental music, and conducting, as well as playing as a live accompanist and teaching piano and choir. She has also worked as a music therapy and rhythmic helper. Currently, she is active as a background music pianist, wedding sound technician, and part time piano teacher at Shingakai (the Growing Bud Club, a cram school for young children). Blog: “Tomi’s Piano♪” http://yaplog.jp/estrela/ Regular broadcasts on niconico live broadcast channel


I try my best to give performances that help people naturally become one with the music♪ I love the focus on timing and space that is cultivated by piano and ensemble performances at restaurants and weddings, and sometimes I play covers by ear. I’m currently expanding my repertoire!

Translation: 2/2015 - The Cafetalk Team


Featured Interview

Q. yurino先生こんにちは!自己紹介をお願いします。 A. 皆様こんにちは♪ cafetalkピアノ講師の富永有里乃です。 ねこ=^・ω・^=と、お花、食べることが大好きな…ピアニストです♪人にそっと寄り添い…空間をキラキラ輝かせることのできる音楽…♪を目指し、日々活動しております。 Q. 普段はどのようなお仕事・音楽活動をされていますか? A. 演奏関係のお仕事と、指導関係のお仕事、両面のバランスを気をつけながら音楽に携わっています。草鞋は履きすぎておりますが(笑)、様々な音楽を通して、様々な方に出会え、様々な音楽空間に携われることは、大変魅力的で刺激的で、とても楽しいです♪音楽家って普段どんなことをしているのか、想像がつかない…!!とよく聞かれたりするので、コラムでは、「音楽色々」と題し、私の音楽活動を紹介させていただいたり…もしています♪ Q. 音楽以外のことも聞かせてくださ...

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Alle Kurse von dieser/m TutorIn

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Lyric Writing / Composition / Music Production
Piano for Kids
Music for Kids
  • Lesson image
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    ♪ リトミック的時間 ♪

    初めて音楽レッスンに触れる前に、また、将来的にピアノなどの音楽レッスンへの導入にとお考えの方へおすすめです♪ 楽しい音楽遊び・コミュニケーションの1ツールとして体験してみませんか?
    Music for Kids
    20 Min.   1,300P
    Hat Schnupperkurs 15 Min.   500P
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    ♪Piano Lessons for Kids♪

    What kind of sound does a piano make? Have your child experience all the different sounds that the black and white keys bring to life. Great for kids who are just starting out (^^) Great for kids who want to get even better (^^)
    Piano for Kids
    25 Min.   1,600P
    Hat Schnupperkurs 20 Min.   500P
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    ♪Piano Lessons for Adults♪

    Everybody has their own reasons for getting started, whether it’s the kind of music they like, or the kind of piano they want to play. Let’s discuss it all! I hope I can help you make your music life even richer!
    25 Min.   1,600P
    Hat Schnupperkurs 20 Min.   500P
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    Lyric Writing / Composition / Music Production
    0 Min.   800P
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    ♪ がっつりピアノレッスン ♪

    時間的余裕があり、もうちょっと長めにレッスンがしたい…♪受講したい曲が複数ある…♪ などなど、そんな時に是非お使いいただきたいレッスンです(*^^*)
    50 Min.   3,000P
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    0歳児とたのしめる♪♪首座り後〜1歳前後のあかちゃん&ママ・パパのための ♡happy time♡
    Music for Kids
    15 Min. X 3   2,000P
    Paket mit 3 Kursen 667
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    楽譜作成 〜for you〜

    楽譜でお困りの方へ…より柔軟に、幅広く音楽に取り組めるように…♡ お役に立てることがありましたら嬉しいです♪
    Lyric Writing / Composition / Music Production
    0 Min.   700P
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    Lesson image

    ミニコンサート 〜for Kids〜

    2020.5.5 Cafetalk Online Music Fes での単発動画です(15min.)
    Music for Kids
    0 Min.   300P
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