안녕하세요, 준 입니다.방콕과 도쿄에 위치한 일본 어학원에서 8년간 일본어를 강의했습니다.새로운 사람들을 만나고 이야기 나누는걸 좋아합니다^^서로에 대해 알아가 봅시다!일상 회화 중심으로 가르칩니다.문의사항은 언제든지 연락주세요!잘 부탁드립니다^^감사합니다.[카페토크 번역 / 2021년 4월]*본 프로필은 회원님의 이해를 돕기위해 카페토크에서 번역했습니다.
Nice to meet you. My name is “Iwashita,” and I teach Japanese (as a school subject), math, and social studies to elementary and junior high school students, as well as Japanese language to Japanese children living abroad and non-Japanese speakers. I can also teach beginner to intermediate level Thai. I do my best to give lessons “gently and carefully” according to each stud
안녕하세요!My name is Soohyun. I am originally from South Korea, but right now I’m living in Japan.“I want to start learning Korean, but I’m not sure where to start”“I was motivated enough to buy a textbook, but I’m starting to lose interest”“Hmm, is my pronunciation is correct?”“Textbooks are boring!” does any of the above so
23년 4월 28일 "피아노 부문", 5월 12일 "일본어 부문" 신규 강사 랭킹에서 3위로 뽑아주셨습니다. 감사합니다! 학생 여러분 안녕하세요!제 프로필을 방문해 주셔서 감사합니다. 제 이름은 히데미입니다. 일본사람이고 일본에 살고 있습니다.취미는 피아노를 치는 것과 책을 읽는 것입니다. 최근에는 언어를 배우는 것도 좋아합니다. 해외에 사는 친구들과 온라인으로 이야기하거나 피아노를 치는 것이 하루의 즐거운 일과입니다. ~보육교사 경험~보육교사 자격증과 유치원 교사 자격증이 있습니다. 먼저, 전세계 엄마들을 진심으로 응원합니다! °˖✧°˖✧°˖✧°˖✧˖°✧˖°✧˖°✧˖&d
My name is Bell. I teach Japanese as a volunteer in my local community. Let’s enjoy learning Japanese together♪ ☆Lesson Goals☆ ・To have fun. ・To use a lot of Japanese. I offer 2 types of lessons. ① Learn Japanese communication to live in Japan. ② Practice conversing in Japanese about your choice of topics. 〇 You can take lessons with the video camera turned off. ✕ Lessons cannot be recorded
Hi everyone! I'm Anya, a 25-year-old biology student and research scholar at the University of Tokyo. I love nature and animals that's why I'm planning to start a PhD program on marine conservation next April. I came to Japan 2 years ago and since that time I've started to work as a global leader in intercultural programs for high school students. During these programs, I share my cultural bac
Hello, my name is Reina and I'm here to help you speak English in a way that is conversational and natural. I specialize in helping students who already have a grasp on the English language improve their pronunciation and confidence. I'm trained in speech techniques, so I understand the way the placements of the lips, teeth, and tip of the tongue can be used to speak in the accent you want to spea
こんにちは!英語講師のHiroko U です。基礎をしっかり、でも楽しく学びたい!資格対策のため、きっちり学びたい!そんなあなた、帰国子女ではなく、普通の学生時代を送りながらTOEIC560点→960点とスコアを伸ばし、スピーキングも長期留学経験者に引けを取らないHiroko Uと一緒に、日本人講師ならではの、かゆいところに手が届くレッスンで学びましょう♪大手英会話スクールで講師として約4年、通常の英会話コースに加えTOEICコースも担当し、その後は講師業だけでなくSkypeオンラインスクールの講師トレーナーとしても勤務し、たくさんの生徒さまの語学学習のお手伝いをしてきました。英会話・語学のお仕事は、合計12年を超えました。☆レッスンについて☆私のレッスンでは、TESOL(英語教授法)に基づいた効果的なレッスンの流れをベースに、生徒さまの興味から、言葉を使っていくことへ発展させていきます
ーAbout meーHi everyone, this is Luna!I'm an English and Japanese tutor based in the United States. The students' feedback assure that I always make sure that my students would feel comfortable making mistakes and asking questions in the lessons. I feel genuinely happy every time I notice the students become more confident in expressing themselves in English or Japanese.I also have three-year experi
어워드 코멘트 2024년 하반기 카페토크 어워드(가을/겨울) →
A Suzuki
Dr Misbah
AKI Coach
Moira English